Chapter 12

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The Black Emperor doesn't go far. Portals start splitting open here and there, and on the other side of the crack too. The nothingness grows slowly, it wasn't like that with your parallel, and yet this one fades away too. You try not to look, but Maze's eyes burn into you and the Black Emperor's back. He glares one last time and jumps into a nearby portal.

 He glares one last time and jumps into a nearby portal

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Photo via blogjovenesconstruyendo

And like that, Maze is gone.

The Black Emperor sighs and plumps you down. "Think you can walk on your own?"

You nod. Your knees wobble, and a dull pain thuds at the back of your head. Must be the shock. And everything. And the ground vibrates right under your feet – you sway–

"Good." The Black Emperor catches you by the shoulder and pulls closer. He links your arm over his, you don't really get a say in this, so that you can lean on him. He grins. Flashes and zizzing lights from the portals play along the engraved pattern on his metal half-mask. "No offence, you're kind of heavy."

You let out a muffled laugh.

The Black Emperor walks you past a few portals. Some stable, some not. In the distance, the town's lines melt into the darkness. Everything around you just fades and, well, melts. Shrinks around you.

"This parallel will disappear too," sighs the Black Emperor. "The weakness spread through the portal you've opened."


"I... didn't know!" you cry out and stare. You're... the reason a world disappears?

"Now you do," cuts in the Black Emperor and pats your shoulder. "But it's safe, well, relatively safe. The weakness got contained here," he gestures around, "for what I can see. It won't pull others with it, like the middle one from that patch up there". He points up and behind his back so it might be your portal. If that hadn't shut before.


"Never mind. Talking to myself." He grabs your shoulders and ushers you in front of him. "This one."

Photo via National Geographic Cosmos: Possible Worlds | Neil deGrasse Tyson

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Photo via National Geographic Cosmos: Possible Worlds | Neil deGrasse Tyson

Crack! You shut your eyes.

At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now