Chapter 3

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You don't tumble out at the Crossroads this time.

"A-a-h!" You wave your arms and legs around– Your fingers grasp air. Blue skies. Green grass. "Umpf!" Face into the ground. Again. You prop yourself up but– "Ouch!"

Lars lands onto your back and rams you into the grass. It tickles your nose.

by Snapwire from Pexels

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by Snapwire from Pexels

"S-sorry." He rolls to the side and from you.

Ugh, bother. You turn and lie on your back instead. The sun shines brightly above your heads. It's a normal yellowish sun, comes in one piece, and it feels warm. You close your eyes and breathe in some light flowery smell. The fresh grass feels nice where it touches your skin. Birds chip, and a breeze rustles the leaves on a nearby blossoming tree.

"Not bad," you point out and tuck your arms under your head.

"Uh-huh." Bet Lars nods with that. He always does.

"What's the matter?" You peek as Lars settles to sit next to you.

"Nothing." He hurriedly looks away. "It's nice. Looks nice... just that... erm, World?"

You open one eye, but it's only the two of you on the glade. Ah, right. You're the World.

"C-can't I call you that?"

You shrug. "I... suppose you should. I still don't remember my name." Weird, but you actually can't. You sit up. "Wow."

On the other side of the glade, stands an imposing snow-white castle. No ditch or castle walls surround it, and yet the walls are so thick it looks like a fortress.

 No ditch or castle walls surround it, and yet the walls are so thick it looks like a fortress

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Kilkea Castle, Ireland

"Let's take a look!" You jump to your feet and dash ahead.

"Wait!" Lars whimpers but runs after you.

The huge wooden doors are also painted white. They have whole landscapes carved into every section.

"M-maybe we shouldn't..." Lars sniffs and mumbles into his sleeve.

You turn around and take in the glade. Blossoming trees, some pink and white wildflowers, yellows and greens, more blossom... The clouded line bothers you. It looks as if there's this lovely glade with an impressive snow-white castle in the middle and then it, erm, stops? You walk closer to this misty edge, and Lars trots after you.

"Does it... end?" You look down and only see more clouds.

Island. It's a freaking floating in the sky island!

Lars squats and crawls to the edge as you step back. He looks down, then up at you. "We're flying."

* * *

You walk around the island but, in the end, return to the castle. There're no bridges or docks, or any flying vessels of sorts. Only the clouds, you can see no mainland in sight from any side of the island.

"They don't look like bad people." You point at the intricate flower crown that is also a door handle. "Besides, we don't really have a choice, and if they wanted, they could've already chased us off."

Yeah. Unless they also want to trick you just like Maze did.

Lars steps from one foot to the other and fiddles with his fingers. "But they didn't invite us–"

"We'll say we're lost. And ask for directions."

Guts over fear. You reach for the handle. Breathe out. And pull.

"Heavy," you pant, and Lars squeezes past you through the gape. He pushes from the inside, and you slip past the door too.



The door slams shut, and the tile vibrates under your feet. Marble stairs. A stained glass window. Sunlight plays in the pieces and colours the first flight. By either side of the hall are huge arched windows draped with red curtains. Gold ornaments. Paintings.

by Bran Sodre from Pexels

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by Bran Sodre from Pexels

"Hello?" You call out and step further.

"W-world?" Lars grasps your sleeve. His hand's shaking, and he clutches his trousers with the other hand.

Oh, right. Will take some time to get used to answering to this World. And yet– you smile. It feels good to finally have a name again.

Also, it gives you courage.

"It's gonna be okay," you say and cover Lars's hand with yours.

He looks up, still a half shorter than you. "Uh... huh." And nods.

"Anybody?" you shout and look around. "Maybe they're not home," you tell Lars and pull his hand away. Don't let go of it, just take it in yours instead and walk ahead.

Since the Tower's parallel wasn't much for free foods, you decide to check out the narrow corridor to the left of the grand stairs. The kitchens might be somewhere around there.

The corridor's covered with a dusty dark red carpet. Paintings, mostly landscapes, in massive wooden frames hang on the walls. Those look pretty but, otherwise, have nothing special about them. A seashore, rocks, gulfs... The frames are dusty too.

Lars breathes heavily and bites his lip. You try to ignore your own heart and firmly hold his hand. The corridor zigzags slightly and leads you to a closed door.

"W-we really shouldn't..." mumbles Lars.

You push and peek inside. It's a study. It has a blackened fireplace with a white fur rug and an armchair in front of it.

"Alright." You quietly close the door and turn on your heels. "Let's go back." Only because that's not the kitchen, but you don't tell Lars that.

He smiles and lightly squeezes your fingers. His hand trembles.

The third turn you try from the entrance hall leads into a grand dining room. It's nowhere near the one at the Wands castle. Instead of the fancy grandeur, this one is big but cosy: the windows are draped with heavy curtains, and logs crackle in the fireplace. Shadows dance on the stone walls. A round wooden table with carved legs and only two chairs with dark red cushions and carved handrails. They stand close to each other, so the empty space around looks weird.

"Someone must be here," whispers Lars and points at the fireplace. It also has two armchairs in front.

Think– Only you get no time to think.


You freeze, and Lars breathes in sharply. Footsteps echo down the corridor.

At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now