Chapter 1

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Photo: Kilkea castle

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Photo: Kilkea castle

"Weird." You tap your fingers against the window and try to make out anything outside. All the flowers closed their buds for the night. The lawn melts into the clouds. "Huh."

Apparently, the Black Castle sits on a floating island, and that is also a parallel of its own. This small patch of land cuts in between two larger parallels somewhere in Pentacles. 1221 East. The degree and probability rate are also huge, that means the Black Castle is on the outskirts of the Pentacles realm, close to the Swords border, and tilts up over the rift. Like a bridge.

"And time goes under the bridge," you whisper and press your cheek to the glass. It's just cool outside, while inside the castle, the Black Emperor lights up at least several fireplaces. He has an odd passion for those. "This way you age very slow even if you stay here all the time. A full day might tot up to months outside."

Or so the Black Emperor says. It has been night for at least two days now.

You you have to idea what you're doing here. The Black Emperor, the master evil, all-mighty and destroyer of whole worlds, etc., etc., treats you like a guest. Alice either wrinkles her nose, stomps and occasionally snarks or completely ignores you. She might be blind, but her ribbons flutter every time, so she could have as well acknowledged you were near. Instead, she accidentally steps onto your foot, elbows you in the stomach, or drops random stuff. Lars has it better, Alice just fails to notice him.

"Why are they still here?!"

Stairway, Wolf Castle, Wales photo by aurelien

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Stairway, Wolf Castle, Wales photo by aurelien

You wince as her shriek pierces the hall. Don't really have time to get out, the Black Emperor's heavy footsteps echo down the corridor. He hurries from the west wings' rooms and steps out into the main hall. Your breath hitches, and you force yourself to stay. Maybe they won't see you perched on the windowsill next to the white marble stairs. Even if you've chosen the most obvious spot right across from the imposing front door.

"Gleb!" Alice stomps into the hall too. Her ribbons flutter and coil in the air around her.

The Black Emperor stops– she bumps into his back, and he whirls around and catches Alice by the shoulders. His heavy black cape rustles. Your heart races, and you hold your breath to keep quiet. The Black Emperor lifts Alice up and puts her on her feet. She doesn't struggle, and her ribbons calm down a bit.

At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now