Chapter 7

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"Hi, Yana," says Lars. He lowers his shoulders and even half-smiles.

Yana? You look from Lars to, apparently, the Moon, and she glances down. Bad. Your eyes dart around. Rocks. Trees. Cliff. And the Moon cuts off the only path from your spot into the valley. Behind your back is only that bottomless ravine.

Asheville Trails Looking Glass Rock Trail - via AshevilleTrails

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Asheville Trails Looking Glass Rock Trail - via

"Yana Lavrentyeva, that's my name." She hops down from the rock and walks towards you two.

Hold still, damn it. You clench your fists and won't listen to the thudding in your ears. The Moon seemed nice, well, nicer than her sister the last time. Lars kinda trusts her too. You watch her every move, but the Moon slowly approaches. No tricks, no signs that she might attack.

"But please don't call me that anymore," she says softly, "or Anya will get angry. She's started thinking we should hide our names as well. After all, the Wands used to, and we've seen some peoples from Pentacles do so too."

Anytime now. One more step, and you'll crack a portal open and get out of there. One. Two–

"I'm from Pentacles.4 North." That's Lars.

Fuck. You don't want to ditch him anymore. Either that or you'll be a complete coward to flee now that he's stopped trembling and smiles at the Moon like that.

"We don't reveal our given, third name there." Lars turns to you. Can you grab him and keep a portal open? "That's a name you receive if you pass the Magicks aptitude test to start learning the Magicks."

"So... you don't have one?"

Lars shakes his head, and a breeze ruffles his hair. The Moon tilts hers and looks at you so sadly... You feel your breathing calm. Won't let your guard down that easy, but still. Her sister kicked you in the ribs the last time, and the Moon didn't say much.

"Anya thinks revealing our names is a bad idea." The Moon twitches and clasps her hands together. "Oh, Anya is the Sun. I'm the Moon." She looks you over, and you step back. "You look better than the last time we've seen you."

"Yeah... thanks, I guess? I've healed and all." You keep glancing around. No, she still blocks the path. And, yes, she's suspicious. Silver hair, pale dress, those green and yellow striped socks and no shoes. Yet the Moon hasn't tried anything, she stands there and looks from you to Lars.

"For me, Lars is fine." Lars shrugs and gestures to you. "And this is the World because they can't remember their name from when their home parallel's faded."

"Oh." The Moon covers her mouth.

You cringe. Did he have to tell her which card you are?

"You still haven't? I'm so sorry." The sympathy is her voice sounds... annoyingly genuine. "I recalled mine in a few days. My home parallel was slowly growing weaker, from what I've noticed yours shattered into a mess."

At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now