Chapter 12 (3)

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In the supposed morning, Alice is not happy to find both of you at breakfast. So not happy.

The three of you sit at the round table and just stare at things. You fold your hands on your lap and glance from the empty plate and up at Alice. Lars hunches his shoulders and looks down. Alice – you can't tell, her eyes, and forearms too, are still tightly wrapped with milk ribbons. Her dark red hair streams neatly down her shoulders, but she wears a different flower crown. This one has silver steams and pale flowers.

Even the air feels tense, but no one says a word. It's still dark outside, but feels like you've slept through half a day.

Heavy footsteps echo down the corridor, and the Black Emperor walks in. He misses the cape and his bulky gloves but otherwise wears his full attire. And hums some lively tune.

The Black Emperor brings in a huge pot and plumps it in the middle. It smells of wheat, perhaps milk and some spices you know no name to. The right corner of his mouth curves, and he opens the lid.

None of you moves. The Black Emperor looks from you to Lars and Alice, shrugs and draws out a chair for himself.

One. Two. Ugh, here it comes. Another chair's legs scuff the wooden floor.

"What are they doing here?!" Alice snaps and stands up, palms on the table first. Then she leans on just one and points her index finger at you. One ribbon slips off her wrist and mimics the gesture. It folds its tip into a sharp spear.


A quick tap on your hand. "That's the Empress's power," whispers Lars. "She can feel energies, auras–"

"That's the Black Empress to you, duh." Alice crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.

How fitting. A feeling power for the blind girl. Kind of explains how she could target you that precise.

"They're here because it was late and I offered them to stay the night," calmly says the Black Emperor. He spoons some porridge-like stuff into a bowl and passes it to Alice.

Which is mostly true. You and Lars slept on the sofa because he was already snoring and you drifted off by the crackling fire. The Black Emperor didn't wake you up, and you even found a quilt wrapped over you two. No way that was Alice.

Which is... weird. You glance at the Black Emperor.

Alice, the Empress apparently, doesn't take the bowl. The Black Emperor doesn't stir, smiles and holds it up for her. Ribbons loosen but coil around her arms.

"S-sorry," mumbles Lars, and the Black Emperor waves it off.

Alice sighs and reaches for the bowl. Her ribbons snake across the table. They barely graze the Black Emperor's hands, Alice snatches the bowl and plumps herself down onto the chair. Her ribbons lace around the wooden back and carved legs.

"They're here," the Black Emperor starts very slowly while he dumps some breakfast for you and Lars, "because they didn't run for the hills the moment they learnt who we are." He passes the bowls, and you take both. "Which raises the question..."

Lars sinks into the chair and pretends he's not there. You poke your spoon into the porridge or whatever that is.

"Let me set this straight." The Black Emperor stands up and looms over the table. The smile melts off his face, and his voice is loud and hollow. "We're both reversed cards. The evil. The ruthless."

"Goddess, yeah!" Alice slams her palm against the table.

"The feared," pushes the Black Emperor.

You drop the spoon. It's not poisoned, is it? Can you poison a card?

"You saved them." Lars.

You whirl your head towards him, and so does Alice.

Lars fiddles with the spoon and won't look up from his plate. "You saved the World," he says quietly. He doesn't whisper, and yet won't speak up either. "Thank you."

Yeah. He kinda did. The evil Black Emperor saved you.

The Black Emperor stares. And stares. And stares some more, then mutters something and plumps down onto the chair.

"Gleb?" Alice cocks her head, and her ribbons mimic the movement.

He sighs, rubs his right temple and looks at you. "You're in luck that wasn't a duel."

Huh? "What's a duel?" You speak before you think. Some duel rules are the least of your concerns right now, come on!

Lars leans to your side and opens his mouth–

"New plan." The Black Emperor puts his elbows on the table and locks his fingers. "Both of you are staying here."

"Wha–" Alice cries out.

He lowers his voice and shushes, "So they won't tell anyone."

Alice purses her lips and points her finger at her neck. Her ribbons soar, and their tips fold and now bear sharp ends. The gesture's obvious – off with their heads.

Lars hunches his shoulders and trembles. You snatch the spoon from the table and dump a full one into your mouth. No. Fidgeting.

The Black Emperor looks at the Black Empress. The Black Empress almost glares back. She would if her eyes were not wrapped.

"No," he says firmly. "They stay, and that's the end of it."

One. You hold your breath.

Two. Lars's whole body shakes.

Alice groans, "Fi-ine," and points at you. The ribbons rustle and coil. "Don't expect I'll make it easy."

You choke. She shrugs and starts eating as if nothing has happened. Her ribbons go softer and wrap around her wrists.

Well. You glance at Lars. You just either got kidnapped or adopted by the Black Emperor.

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