Chapter 11

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"And that was Lars's cousin?" Alice huffs and throws her hands up. "They don't look anything alike!"

You walk by her side as you make your way across the yard. Purple and silver lilies bloom along the path, and their sweet smell is overbearing. "You bet."

"Hey!" She nudges you in the ribs. "They don't feel anywhere near alike, are you satisfied now?!"

 "They don't feel anywhere near alike, are you satisfied now?!"

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Photto via Museum Crush Britain's best places to see: Mazes

A tiny bird shoots out from the bushes and settles on top of the hedge. Two neatly-cut tree figures of some animals guard the entrance to the maze. You stop. Look back, but, no, Three no longer follows you.

"Do you think that portal's still here?" You peek inside the maze, but it takes a sharp turn right away.

"Duh." Alice corks her head and smirks. "Oh. You don't feel it? What a pity." Her ribbons look up from her wrists. It's like those things snicker at you too. "You can open a hardly decent portal, and yet you can't even guess where the already opened ones are?"

"Just get going," you mutter and shove your hands in your pockets. "If you're that smart."

Alice puffs her chest, brushes past you and steps inside the maze. "Sure, I am. Follow me, the Black Empress orders you to."

Ugh. Only because you're worried about Lars. If that portal leads to the Crossroads, sure, he'll get to the Black Castle in no time. But if not–

The living hedges part, and you enter a small clearing. Light purple roses with small flowers and violet honeysuckles climb the silver bench. Above it, the portal swirls and crackles. A hot wind burns your face and tosses some sand over the green path.

Yeah, it's not. You crane your neck, and Alice raises her arm and points her finger at the portal. The ribbons mimic and reach closer to the portal's edges.

"Not the Crossroads?"

You rise on your tiptoes and eye the orange sands. "Can't you– oh. You actually can't?"


You sigh, climb onto the bench and stand up. "Desert. Sand dunes and a bubble-covered city far away. You know," gesture, "like a... erm, like a city covered by a glass bubble?"

 erm, like a city covered by a glass bubble?"

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At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now