Chapter 10

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Turns out, the King of Wands and Swords hasn't actually noticed you. Well, he knows someone was at the door and is furious about the whole affair– Bother. He's angry about everything. Maybe minus the Wands Queen, she can somehow keep his temper in check.

"Theo–" The Queen blocks his way.

"Sara–" he growls and clutches the blood-red vines. They still, and some short edges coil up to his elbows instead.

"Theo, please calm do–"

"I'm bleeding calm!" he snaps, and the vines shoot up.

Crimson Peak set design from Universal pictures

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Crimson Peak set design from Universal pictures

Crack! You crawl further into the shadows and hold your breath. The slashed remains of a tapestry glide and reveal the deep marks on the wall as well. Why does it reek of... blood in here?

"Step aside, damn it," grits the King and hangs his head. He's breathing heavily and wobbles to the side.

"Language." The Queen stands with her back to you so you can't see her expression. Her regal posture speaks clear enough.

"Sara. Step. Aside," he rasps and breaks into a cough. The vines thin and lessen in numbers. First, their tips don't lash the air around the King, then they crawl back to his wrists. Most fade away before reaching his hands. The messy tip of his braid also pales to the natural blonde.

The Queen crosses her arms. "Theodore Jansen."

"Step aside." He sighs and hunches his shoulders. "Please."

The Wands King is back to normal. His knees shake, and the King collapses– the Queen catches him. Kind of too easily. She pulls him up, but he can't stand on his own, and his feet slide. She ends up taking him under the arms, turning around and hauling. The back of this head is buried in her chest, and his heels drag on the floor.

When you can no longer hear the footsteps, you crawl out. Your legs hurt a bit, try cramming yourself behind a wrecked column in a hurry. It's a wonder you didn't get hurt. You walk on along the corridor, in the exact opposite direction those two have left. Your heart thuds in your ears.

"This parallel... no. These dimensions, these four realms are... something," you whisper and squint into the darkness. The ceiling's intact in this wing, but since it's already dark outside, it's hard to see. "And the King is a trainwreck."

Theodore Jansen, huh. Apparently, that's the King's name. Wait– You stop in your tracks and stare. The thought– all thoughts disappear.

You stare at the half-burnt portrait. Not like the official ones, but it also depicts the Wands peoples. Same skin, same dark hair... and wings. Light purple wings with silver brims and flowery patterns are woven into the plane. Kind of like butterfly wings. The painting shows them fighting some creature in the forests, but the caption is destroyed.

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