Chapter 5

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You feel like floating. Well, mostly falling–

"Ompf!" you plunge into a pile of something, and the softness cushions your fall. It doesn't matter much that it stinks.

You lay back and stare into the pitch-black sky. Your sleeve still smoulders, the portal snapped off part of it as it cracked shut between you and Maze. Well, at least you're absolutely sure Maze isn't here. Wherever here is. He can find you, sure but– Why does it smell so strongly of ash? You jerk to sit up and the soft blackness swallows you up.

Ashes?! You cough and wave your arms around, try to grasp onto anything but only sink deeper into the ashes. Like quicksand– oh. You still.

"N-nice," you mumble and breathe in. Your throat and nose tickle, the last thing you want to know is where the ashes came from. Not that being plunged into a second pile of dead man's ashes is any worse than going through that the first time.

A lump curls in your throat. "Alright. Calm down." You nearly got killed today. Several times but who counts? And ended up where?

Slowly, you sit up and reach out. The ashes slip through your fingers. Carefully you move to your side, then wiggle further, a little further– aha! Your shoulder hits the ground, and you quickly roll away.

"Ouch!" The back of your head slams into a rock.

This place is clearly something. Ashes, charred rocks, cracked ground and gnarled trees. You take a step, but your knees are shaking. One more. Step by step, you reach the closest tree and crouch against its scarred trunk. The bare branches don't cover you much, and yet it is better than staying in plain sight. Black skies loom over your head, and you shiver.

"Chilly," you whisper and hug yourself. "Just chilly."

A cool breeze shuffles your hair and also drags ashes across the plane. Some piles shift and reveal melt metal planks, scarce pieces of wood and stone wreckage. But mostly more ashes. Ashes cover everything you can see.

"Safer to have two cards, huh..."

You're not giving up yours. And what are the chances anyone else might be crazy enough to give you theirs?

You sit like that for some time. Gasping for air or trying to calm your breathing. Hug your knees and press your forehead against them. Your head spins, too much has happened just in one day. Or was it? Maze said time ran differently for cards, can you trust him at least on that? You sigh and close your eyes.

Card. There is this card... You slide your hand to the middle of your chest. Only your heartbeat, you feel it against your palm but nothing else.

"How did he do that?" You tap your fingers, but nothing happens. Snap – you hold your breath.

Nothing. Bother. Well, at least now you know the card's still with you. Which sends shivers down your spine because, oh, just how easy one can take it away...

You shake your head.

"What are you, really?" You let go of your knees and lean back. Trace circles against your chest. Close your eyes and try to reach further, deeper, like the stranger and Maze did. "A... key? A multi-dimensional key?"

Your fingers only feel the fabric. Nothing. Ugh, bother.

"What am I then?" Maybe some King, there are four realms, right? Four suits. And Maze was the Judgement, whatever that is. You'll peek and get out of here before Maze finds you. That's the plan.

You shut your eyes tight and push. And push, and push...

"Argh, this is pointless!" you exclaim. "A-ah!" You chest glows, and your fingers go right through.

It feels... weird. Doesn't burn or hurt like when Maze did it. Instead is the cool tingling sensation. And the freaky sight of your hand up to the forearm inside your chest.

"Wo-ow." Your fingertips bump into something, and you clasp the edge. The card glowers. You pull.

Wait. Is that even safe?! You let go, and the card slips back into place. Your hand is pushed out – flash – you blink but can't see anything. Just like that, your palm is back against your chest, and fingers grasp the fabric.

You let out a breath, didn't realise you were holding it. Who cares which card are you? You have one, right? With this card, you're still intact and didn't disappear with your world. With this card, you can travel between parallels, billions of billions of different worlds... Stranded. Alone. Who cares which one is it?

You stand up and glance at your arm. The bloody scar has faded to a tiny mark. The sleeve is another matter, and you're all smudged in ashes and dirt.

"Can a card live in just one parallel?" Well, it certainly won't be this one for you. "Maze said cards age then."

You narrow your eyes and keep staring into the distance. Nothing. You see absolutely nothing but ashes, gnarled trees and occasional metal wreckage. Wasteland.

A chilly breeze shuffles your hair.

"Get me out," you mouth without making a sound and press your palm to your chest. "Please?" It was you the last time, wasn't it? How lucky would be a coincidence that a portal popped up in between you and Maze? "Anywhere's fine."

The card doesn't stir. Or shine. Cards can travel through portals, right? Makes sense if a card could open one, doesn't it? You must be doing it wrong.

"A po-or-tal." You curl your fingers and push. "I need one. A portal to anywhere but here." Your chest won't bulge. "Oh, come on!" You exclaim– "A-h!" 

The ground opens under your feet, and you plunge into the crackling darkness.

The ground opens under your feet, and you plunge into the crackling darkness

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