Chapter 5

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You return to the Black Castle in silence. The snow-white silhouette stands out against the dark sky. It's still night after you've spent a whole day in another parallel. Feels really... weird.

Kilkea castle, Ireland

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Kilkea castle, Ireland

You shiver and look around. The Black Emperor strides towards it across the lawn, and Alice trots by his side.

"Are you coming, World?" he shouts and doesn't look back.

"Y-yeah. Sorry!"

Alice scoffs and disappears inside, while the Black Emperor holds the heavy door for you. You slip past, and he doesn't say a word more. Marches up the white marble stairs and turns into the corridor, you only hear his heavy footsteps. Then falls the eerie silence.

"It's not like Alice will jump out any moment... ?" you whisper and squint into the darkness. Honestly, you have no idea where that girl is or what she can be up to. "Chilly." You hug yourself and slowly walk across the entrance hall.

Alice's not there. Neither is she upstairs, you get to your room and lock the door. Plump yourself onto the huge poster bed, crawl under the soft blanket and all the covers and pull them over your head. No thinking. Recalling the day gnaws somewhere deep inside your chest.

You fall asleep.

* * *

The morning is... still night. Or maybe you're getting insomnia. You stare at the canopy, toss around, get up and pace the room–


Let's face it, you miss Lars already. Why did his cousin suddenly have to drag him back to the Wands castle? He wasn't even listening when the two of you left!

That, and you'd rather not sit at the table with the evil Black Emperor and his more, and definitely, evil Black Empress. They are... confusing. You grab the door handle but linger and won't turn it. Yesterday was fun, the Black Emperor was attentive and, well, kind...

"And so was Maze before," you grit and yank the door– argh. You've locked that. Actually, it makes you feel a little safer. The lock looks rusty, and yet still serves its purpose. "Don't forget, the Black Emperor threatened you to be his guests." That sounds ridiculous! Who in their right mind treats people they kidnap nicely!? And he let Lars leave. Right?


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