Chapter 8

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"Uph!" You land on something– moving?! A strong mossy smell hits your nose. The portal crackles and slams shut.

"Get off me!" whines Alice and wriggles, and her ribbons scoop you up and toss aside.

"Get off me!" whines Alice and wriggles, and her ribbons scoop you up and toss aside

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Photo via ArtStation - Dark Cave Environment - Unity, Christopher Fantauzzo

Splash! Your hand sinks – you jerk it out – slipping backward – you throw yourself to the left and roll several steps away.

"It's just water." Alice scoffs her foot on the ground, and her ribbons flutter around. "A stream." She cocks her head, and her ribbons pat the stones.

"I can see that," you snap back and shake off some seaweed and wet moss.

You get up and look around, it's a narrow cave, and the stream runs through it. Moss climbs up the sides, and weeds hang from the ceiling. Damp, dark and cold.

Alice pats the stones and sloshes around the corner. Her milk ribbons glide against the wall too, some in front of her, and a few behind her back.

You glance at where the portal's been but a minute ago. Guess it all comes down to who you're more afraid of. Not that you're scared to death, just... er, common sense? To keep yourself alive, that worked well for you before. Ahem.

You walk closer and crane your neck to see where the stream starts. It takes a sharp turn past the rocks, crashes on the steep shore by your feet, and the cave twists the way Alice has left.

So, you either split open a portal now, flee and risk the Black Emperor finding you in the billions of parallels. With Maze still out there to get you too, and he's even angrier since the past encounter and very determined to snap your neck and snatch your card.

At least the Black Emperor doesn't seem to want, more like doesn't need, your card. Alice said they're higher on some major arcana, whatever that is, than you. The last time the Black Emperor scared Maze off, he saved you. Then threatened you. Then took out to have fun... Ugh, does the Black Emperor have to be this confusing!?

You look past the turn. Too dark to see, and the rocks block the view too.

Second option, you go with Alice. And try your luck in escaping a world which is to disappear ten minutes.

You sigh... Shake your head and call out, "Wait for me!" The echo picks it up, and water sloshes under your shoes.

Soon light creeps inside through the gapes above your head and in front of you. The stream widens and roars. You carefully check your next step because your feet slip on the moss and water paddles.

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