Chapter 7

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You don't even get time to yell. First, you fly at the wall, then you blink, and you're already on the other side. High above the ground, you wiggle your feet, and the current tosses you into the portal. The familiar deafening crackle, you close your eyes–

Waves? When all sounds die out, you hear them licking at your feet. You peek, it's still hard to see, and your head hurts. And yet that's definitely sand under your fingers. Your palms sink a little, and your knees wobble, but you crawl ahead.


Photo by Vincent Gerbouin from Pexels

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Photo by Vincent Gerbouin from Pexels

Rocks chain up to your right and plunge into the bay. White sand. Palm trees, and more trees, and colourful flowers to your left. Smoke rises further from the beach so somebody must be here...

Well. Aren't you ignoring something? You turn back and look in front. Yes, pink water. Overall, it looks like a typical sea or ocean, the waves and all, but the water has a pinkish hue to it. You crouch closer and scoop a handful. It's fainter but still pink. Has no smell. Salty. Bleh.

"Let's keep going," you whisper. Staying in one place leaves you time to think. And when you think, you remember–

Hey, the jungle looks normal, too dense, too easily you can get lost in there, and who knows what else lives inside? Aha-ah... The buzzing insects with transparent wings and big split eyes are enough. Some palms bear coconuts. You try climbing, then shaking the trunk – to no avail.

In the end, you slowly walk along the beach. Listen for any sounds and watch that smoke from the village. The locals are no cards, it's just a feeling that you have. Or rather the absence of the feeling. It was there with Maze, and Sun and Moon, and with the Wands and that boy... These locals feel... indigenous?

A little girl swaps you some seafood for the purple Wands' flag. An old lady shoves you half of the coconut. You understand their language, but the words blur with the bonfire songs and drumming.

You return to the portal when it grows darker. Jump, grasp the edge and pull yourself in. Well, not the first time, but you did your best, okay?

"Umpf!" You tumble out by Deborah's lighthouse and pick another stable portal. Then another. And one more. Each time you return to the Crossroads through the same portal. Luckily, they don't snap behind your back.

"Just a coincidence," you decide and nod to yourself. "Weird, but still."

You glance at your palms one last time. You tried to crack a portal open, and nothing happened. You're almost sure, you're not that one card.


Snow, medieval dances, bright flowers with live sprouts which levitated you into the bushes... Actually, the more you move between parallels, the slimmer are the chances that Maze picks up the same portal from the Crossroads, right? Ugh, the probabilities... Your stomach rumbles, and you've emptied all pockets.

At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now