Chapter 2

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The Black Emperor takes you to an amusement park or a huge carnival and fair.

No kidding, really. With rides, tents where you can win prizes in any games imaginable and sizzling food stalls.

 With rides, tents where you can win prizes in any games imaginable and sizzling food stalls

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Photo via Tourism Richmond: Lansdowne Centre Spring Carnival

"What's there?" Alice twirls. Her ribbons stay around her arms, but the tips tilt upwards. "Whatever it is, I like it. It freaked them out to the Goddess."

The Black Emperor looks at you.

"I'm not scared, I'm surprised!" You blurt out and gesture ahead. "It's just so... so..." Not evil. "So big!"

"Uh-huh." Lars nods enthusiastically. Maybe, a little too much, but he beams and whirls his head to take it all in.

The Black Emperor chuckles. "Then I'm glad you like it." He runs his hand through his hair and looks over your heads. He's dressed down, so no cape, but this black suit also spots two rows of buttons. The black mask and heavy boots stay too. "And that they still hold it, it used to be the biggest deal when I was around."

People scream as the rollercoaster climbs to the highest point and plunges down. Sweet and sour, baked and fried, aromas blend together and tickle your nose.

The Black Emperor lays his hand on Alice's shoulder and leans down. "Every year they set up a celebration in this dimension," he points at several tents and rides, "and this one is the largest I've been to. Puts all Cups to shame." He chuckles.

Alice doesn't smile, but the corners of her lips lift a little. Her ribbon slips from her wrist and snakes along the Black Emperor's arm. The tip folds up. As if that thing looks around and tunes in.

"So we're in Cups?" asks Lars.

A person skips past you and runs into a group. They all hug and erupt into squeals and cheers. Bright patterned feathers grow on the sides on their faces and down their necks. Oh, and that one has a smaller feather on the back of her hand.

"Cups.56 South," says the Black Emperor.

Others glance your way. But, no, they don't look at the Black Emperor's mask – does he ever take it off? – or that Alice has her eyes wrapped.

"Geez, move along," mutters one.

"Let them be," laughs their companion, and they walk around you. "The Committee's outdone themselves this year, neh."

Apparently, you're simply blocking the entrance.

"They dress up, they dance, they sing and have fun." The Black Emperor ushers Alice forward and waves for you and Lars to follow. "Come on. Let's join."

Lars beams and nods. He runs after the Black Emperor, and you stay behind a few steps. Many seem to wear a costume. The people behind the stalls have striped hats, and other visitors wear glitter and sparkles. Twins with matching feathers juggle, and a masked man invites you inside some colourful tent. Dough dots sizzle, and over there they throw darts at balloons filled with water.

At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now