Chapter 8

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Are those even horses? You keep wondering as they gallop across the field. You cling to the ink-black lean body with your arms and legs. The monstrously big horse's fur is too short to grab onto. And the saddle... well, technically, you are still in the saddle since the Queen helped you up. It's just not helping.

The Queen rides with the King on the second monstrosity

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The Queen rides with the King on the second monstrosity. Graciously. He urges the horse faster and faster, and she's behind him, has draped her legs to one side. Her purple and silver gown flows down the ink-black body. She holds onto the King with one hand, the other rests on her lap. Ugh. How? Not that knowing that will make it easier for you. You groan and hold on tighter. Your cheek presses against the beast's neck, and you shut your eyes.

"A-A-Ah!" You grip the neck. The horse neighs and rears.

"Easy, girl, easy," coos the Queen. That calms it down, and the horse lowers you.

You stare as the ground grows closer. The beast doesn't throw you off – thanks – but lowers its head, and you slip on your own. Head-on onto the cobbled road.

The Queen helps you up to your feet. "How are you feeling?"

You notice the King dash up the stairs. Without a word, he's gone.

The Queen catches you watching and shakes her head. "Don't mind him." She looks you over. "Let's get you something to change into. And patched up a little." She touches the fresh smudged marks on your elbow.

"Ugh." You don't get a say in this, she keeps handling you like a doll. Picks up here, puts there... First chance, and you'll run for the hills. Wonder where your portal's now.

"I'll get the medkit." The Queen clanks her tongue and gestures to the horses. Whatever she's shown with her arms, the beasts neigh and trot around the castle. "We're short of staff at the moment."

Right. As in you three are the only ones in the parallel?

"Is this..." you call after the Queen as she ascends the stairs. She moves so gracefully in that billowing dress, you can hardly call it running.

She stops and you catch up.

"Is this, erm, kinda like the Wands headquarters? Because there's the Wands realm, and you're the Queen of Wands, and–"

"Yes." She nods. Unsure. "Guess, you can call it that. Well, we don't actually rule over the whole realm. That was the initial division." She ushers you inside and around the rubble.


"From the end of time. Well, it's more of a legend. No card has lived long enough to possibly witness that. Maybe the Fool." The Queen stops on the first stair and adjusts her skirts. "Or the old Magician. Nobody knows who the Fool is. But the Wands suit has lived in this parallel at least since my grandfather. It's on the main cord, closest to the Crossroads. Could you wait over there?" She points at a column piece, and you nod. "Good. Be right back." She smiles and hurries off.

You watch her struggle over a few missing stairs. Or the railing is bent and blocks the way, or the marble pieces are scattered–

 Or the railing is bent and blocks the way, or the marble pieces are scattered–

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Crimson Peak set design by Universal Pictures

Uh. More questions than answers. You plump yourself down and look around. Change of plan, first, you need some answers. And a general sense of direction so as not to get lost in the forest.

Alright, that cord must be the thicker line across the quarter. Deborah called it the main timeline or something. Also, apparently, it's safer in the Crossroads and parallels closer to them.

Somebody's looking. Watching you closely– Oh.

You turn around and bite back a yelp. "Um, hi?" You wave just once and try to pull on a smile.

It's a boy. A little boy, alright, but his stare turns you inside out. Blond. Short hair. He lurks behind the column but a step behind you. You stand up, and he'd hardly reach your shoulder. He's what? Seven? Eight? Chubby, pale, and wears suspenders with shorts and buckle shoes.


The boy knits his eyebrows. Hangs his head and mutters something you can't hear, and then–


"I'm... " You reach out to shake his hand, that's how the Queen did it, right? And once again fall silent because, damn, you still don't happen to remember your name or know which card you are. "No idea who I am," you blurt out. He still won't step out from behind the column. "The King invited me to stay–" uh-huh, the boy glares at this, "a-and the Queen's bringing down the medkit?"

The boy relaxes a little. "Is that traditional wear from where you come from?"

You look down as he points at your hoodie. "Huh?"

"You sleeves match," he explains and steps closer. "But they are torn and dirty."

"Ah." You burst out laughing, can't help it. "I... fell?" You manage to choke out. "Several times. Face in the ground. Rolled down the hill. Into the throned bushes. Also, sharp metal objects fell on top of me." The smile melts away. "All that after my parallel faded..."

"Lars Jansen." The boy doesn't shake your hand still. And he doesn't stay when the Queen appears.

"Lars! Lars, wait!" she calls after him, and yet the boy hops over the scattered marble and has already disappeared into the shadows.

At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now