Intro. On the Hermit's Mission

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"You!" Theodore Jansen snarls and kicks the chair. It clatters away, and Theodore throws off everything from his desk. He paces the small room. "I hate everything about you!"

Theodore stops and stares at his own pale reflection in the mirror. He hardly blinks, and his hands tremble as he pulls down the black hood. It's almost dark but for the candle behind him, and shadows play on the stone walls.

 It's almost dark but for the candle behind him, and shadows play on the stone walls

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Alone. Still. Theodore breathes so quietly.

"Fuck..." His amber eye twitches. Theodore leans in but still sees no reds inside. He jerks his hand up and pinches his finger – nothing. No magicks churn under his skin. "How did I even... like... ugh." Theodore looks himself up and down and tightens his lips into a thin line. "Like this."

Theodore's broken. He has been for the past hundred years, and Gleb has everything and nothing to do with it.

Leven, it means life. Theodore clutches and opens his fist. He didn't pass the aptitude test to enter the Union's most elite academy – he wrecked it. He was ten, and his potential power broke the scale...

Perhaps, that was a sign. Yet at that time, Theodore was proud, his whole family was. Theodore was proclaimed to become the most powerful wielder his esteemed and noble lineage has ever produced.

Theodore digs his nails into his palm so hard, it should draw blood.

But it doesn't.

Leven means life. Only one received the legendary name thought the Union's history, and that was Theodore's great-great and some more grandfather. The greatest blood wielder of all, the blood Magicks founder. He was also the one to establish the academy and create the scale. Which implied that one day Theodore could grow stronger than him.

Theodore smiles at himself in the mirror and huffs a laugh. His face is all wrong and twisted. Broken. He's broken.

Problems arose soon enough

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Problems arose soon enough. It was easy to hide it behind the Jansens' estates walls but at the academy... At the academy, they started talking. Behind his back, everybody was too afraid to go anywhere near a Jansen. His magicks were slipping. Whenever he would get angry, those would lash out and wreak havoc.

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