Chapter 9

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Something there goes completely wrong. The portal shakes the moment you step in, and tiny lightnings zizz around you.

 The portal shakes the moment you step in, and tiny lightnings zizz around you

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It tosses you out, and you roll several times.


"Ouch..." whines Lars somewhere around.

You can't hear him well over the crackling. It drowns out everything, even your thudding heart. You squint and try to concentrate on your hands.


You sit on the ground and press your palms to it. It sways below you. Slowly, you look up– Ugh, that hurts. Bright blues. Light. And a hazy swirling purple. A dark figure in the middle of it all...

Wait, a figure!? You force your eyes open. The blues explode and melt into the purples. All sounds dull into a single hum. It sounds like everything and nothing at the same time.



The light comes in waves. It washes over the colours and licks at the edge of the ground. That rock hovers over the mess. Three fading paths lead from the rock and into the abyss. They shimmer a little but grow fainter and fainter. The whirling cosmos hums and vibrates.

 The whirling cosmos hums and vibrates

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A dark figure on the rock raises their gloved hands up. Blackness envelops their palms. A sizzling smouldering fire. Broad shoulders. Massive shoulder plates. The winds howls and tears at the black cape. He also wears heavy boots and looks twice as large as you've seen him without the armour.

The Black Emperor lets the fire rage. It soars from his palms, and then he hurls it. Two fading paths break. The ground shakes and cracks, it spreads all the way under his feet and to you. You roll to the side as the split widens.

"World!" cries out Lars. He crawls to the edge. The abyss booms, you only see his lips moving.

Lars is on the other side.

At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now