The Pentacles' Duel Interlude

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"Are you there?" The King of Wands and Swords looks around and takes another step. The wind tears at his light purple and silver tunic and a darker cape. "Hermit? Hermit!"

 "Hermit? Hermit!"

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Photo via Stoksy

A pebble clatters from under his foot. Theo jerks to the side and slams his back against the rocks. The pebble hops down the mountain, the yellow grass and weeds hold it up a little, but is still slips off the cliff.

Theo holds his breath, but no sound comes. The fog and darkness swirl below.

"Where are you again, dammit," mutters Theo and clutches his fists. He looks ahead and traces the narrow path weaving higher and higher. Tsk-s. Steps out and straightens his back. "I need to ask you!" he shouts, and his voice echos about the mountains.

No answer comes. Theo sighs and shakes his head. Slowly, he walks on and up to the glen. The path stops there, it's the highest point one can climb on their own. It's also where he sought out the Hermit last. To the right a cave gapes open, and to the left is the steep mountainside. In front is the cliff. Theo walks to the edge and looks down.

"Bleeding mess."

Nothing. It's the same as he remembers it, and yet before he could see some outlines in the morning. Now, in the late evening, he sees the fog twist and nothing else.

"Hermit!" Theo turns around and calls out again. He pokes his head inside the cave, holds his hands up to his mouth and shouts again, "Hermit!"

 He pokes his head inside the cave, holds his hands up to his mouth and shouts again, "Hermit!"

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Photo via "Internationally Grown". Inside the Dark Cave, Malaysia

The cave picks it up. Theo's voice carries all the way down and dwindles to a whisper.

"Fuck!" he groans and throws his hands up. "Where the bloody fuck are you!" His fingertips prickle, and thin blood-red vines coil around the nails. Theo notices those and shakes his hand. With the other, he snatches up his braid – blond – then a loose strand of hair from his forehead and pulls it to his eyes. It's blood-red. "Ugh, bleeding..."

Theo closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He counts.



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