Chapter 4

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"What was that...?!" you choke out.

Your feet hit the ground, and the portal cracks shut.

Your feet hit the ground, and the portal cracks shut

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Thud! Huh!? Oh, that's your heart in your ears. But you definitely are back in the cloud-emptiness. Whatever it's really called.

"What was what?" Maze is already several steps ahead. He stops and turns around.

"That man– King?" You point and point at the spot where the portal was but a moment ago. "And the boy?"

Maze frowns. "Who?"

"...and the Queen, and castle, and– what's wrong with that whole world?" You cough, and it makes you realise you're forgetting to breathe. "That m-man! That King?" Huh. You fall silent. There was a man, right? For some reason, you're no longer sure yourself.

"Ah. That." Maze chuckles and returns to your side. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, and once again, you smell rotten flowers and swamp. You really try not to turn away. "Suppose, that was a deposition in the kingdom of Wands."


"Overthrew him." Maze snaps his fingers. "Coup. Revolt. You know, done for."

Right. In the kingdom of Wands... Well, that explains the sticks, apparently, wands. You glance at the purple flag still wrapped around your palm.

"Do not fret," Maze pats you on the shoulder, "it will wear off soon. Poof. As if nothing has happened. Takes some time to sync."


"Yes, sync. From what I have seen, the Swords' King has the Wands' King card now." Maze gestures with his free hand and pulls you closer. The sweet swampy smell of his skin grows almost unbearable. "If you lose your card, you fade away, and everyone forgets you existed. Keeps the cogs turning, you know. Some of us get to live for centuries." Something changes in his expression but you can't place it. "No one wants needless grieving."

"But you said– ompf! "

Maze lets go and pats you on the back. Too heavily, as usual. "We have not forgotten about him straight away because we were there. Were the last ones to see him, it takes some time to sync." He taps against his temple. "Realms will take care of it, all in due time. Give it a few hours, and you will be as good as new."

Somehow you doubt it. All felt too... unreal. The stranger's smirk looms in front of your eyes again. You close them and rub hard, and yet it won't melt away. You and only you would remember the previous owner of the card, didn't he say so?

But the King, that King of Wands? Dark. Tall... You can no longer remember that King, his features haze in your memories. Just the boy. Older than you, about a head taller and very skinny. Sharp pointed chin. He also had a long blond braid tossed over his shoulder.

"And this is... normal?" Can it happen to you? Will it?

Maze shrugs and ushers you on. There's nothing ahead, a bare emptiness but for the clouded skies.

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