Chapter 1

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This so-o-o wasn't the plan.

"What have we even done to them?!" you yell and run.

"What have we even done to them?!" you yell and run

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Photo from the Star Online

This neighbourhood is a dump. With narrow side-streets, sudden turns and run-down bridges. Trash bags, overturn trash bins and just trash are scattered everywhere.

"We are... huff... the... Untouchables..." Lars lags behind.

"What now?!" You glance back – those thugs are getting closer.

"Untou... a... ch..."

"Forget it!" you snap and jump down the riverside. A shortcut. Cracked cement pieces clatter from under your feet, and you run across. All water's long gone. "Fuck, Lars, just do something!"

"Over... there!" he points up the bridge and slows down.


Lars waves, and a shimmer sprints off his palms and towards you. You yelp – it circles around your waist and yanks you up into the air.


"Ouch..." Face into the tiles. Wait, tiles? You jerk up to your hands and knees and whirl your head around.

"Uh..." Lars plumps down nearby.

This place looks nicer, straight out of a sci-fi. Are you even in the same parallel? White tiles, glowing handrails, hey, they even have moving platforms and thick glass walls automatically open to let them through. Apparently, Lars has tossed you inside with one of those.

"You're okay?" You wobble up to your feet and glance his way.


If he says so. You shrug and walk to the side. Those thugs howl and bump into each other below. Some swear at you, others are already picking up fights with each other– Sharp teeth at the backs' of their heads. Stitched up mouths on the front. You gulp and step back.

 You gulp and step back

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"What is this place?"

Lars sits up and gasps for air. "Cups. 16 South... Degree over 1300... Probability line any."

At the Crossroads. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now