The Black Empress's Death Interlude

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"Nothing matters." Alice sprawls out on the cold ground. She traces her fingertips against the stones, flexes her fingers or just taps them on whatever's around. "Duh." Alice closes her eyes and holds her breath.

They returned her, her parents returned her. Turns out, they weren't even her real parents.

"Argh!" Alice slams her fists into the ground and jerks to sit up. "Their loss!" She yells, and whirls her arms around, and kicks the stones, and strikes the ground again... "I'll make them regret it! I'll make them all pay!"

Her knuckles bleed. Alice groans, pulls on her bangs and yanks her long hair over her face. To cover her face.

She scrambles to her feet– and falls. Alice bruises her hands and knees. She pants. Tears swell in her eyes, and yet Alice doesn't feel them before they reach her lips.

The salty taste lingers.

"Ugh, Goddess," mutters Alice and pokes the scarred and burnt skin around her eyes.

That one was a glass shard. And more. She crawled out from the debris almost on her own, they weren't looking for survivors in the first place. Only bodies.

"And I was alive." Alice clenches her teeth and gets up, this time slower. She holds her arms in front of her and pats the air. Nothing. Nothing there too. She takes a small step. Another one–

"Argh!" Alice trips and crumbles to the ground. The tiny rock clatters away. "Idiots."

She rises again. One step after another. Very slowly, Alice moves ahead and listens to every sound.


She doesn't know how far she's come. She stops and hugs herself, her scarred arms are clammy.

"Duh, come on. Where's anyone?" Alice turns her head, it doesn't change anything, and purses her lips.

She's all alone. In the darkness.

"Anyone!" Alice calls out.

"Anyone!" Alice calls out

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