Chapter 3 - Off the Shore

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The ride in Jennie's car was silent. Lisa was driving for more than 30 minutes. Jennie started to look at her surroundings more carefully. 'Where the hell are we going?' Noticing the other girl's tension, Lisa broke the silence.

"It's kind of far, but we are almost there." Jennie turned to look at Lisa, who still had her eyes on the road. "It will worth it, you'll see."

Jennie didn't say anything in return. She was a bit scared of her last minute decision (another classic Kim) trusting in an almost stranger person just because she was nice and made her feel better. 'What if Lisa was some sort of gorgeous serial killer? Lots of serial killers are good looking. And the landscape of forests around them only made it all worse.' She was sure if Lisa wouldn't kill her, her father may would, just because of Jennie's stupidity.

They finally reached the final destination. Lisa parked in a larger lot, closer to other cars, around a few people passing by. 'Okay, not a creepy abandoned place, I think I'll be OK.' Jennie thought to herself. As Lisa opened the door to leave the car, Jennie mirrored her and left too.

"That's where we are going." Lisa said pointing ahead to a big lake. Jennie took a better look at her surroundings and noticed some trailers, tents and all kinds of boats. That was some kind of camping site.

Following Lisa lead, she went down a trail to the lakeshore. After a few moments they were over a long but narrow pier, with a long line of ducks paddleboats. Lisa stopped in front of the last one on the row and gesture for Jennie to follow her. In one fast movement, Lisa was inside of the washed-out yellow duck. She turned to Jennie, supporting her right foot over the paddleboat edge and offering her hands to help Jennie inside. Jennie hesitated for a while.

"Come on, Cupcake, you'll be alright. Just give your hand to me" Lisa was a bit amused at Jennie's tension.

"If you knew me better you'd know I'm the clumsiest person in the world."

"This is not science rocket; give me your hand I'll get you." Lisa gesture for Jennie again, waving with her right hand.

Jennie took a deep breath and slowly approached to Lisa. When her hand touched Lisa's, the other girl gave it a firm grip.

"Now, move your leg to the edge. I got you." When Jennie's foot stepped firmly over the paddleboat edge, Lisa's left hand grabbed Jennie's waist, pulling Jennie's whole body by her side. Jennie closed her eyes, with the certainty she would be inside of the lake in next second. When she realized, after a few moments, she was indeed dried, she opened her eyes and met with a playful smirk in Lisa's face right in front of her. "I told I got you".

"Thanks" Jennie said still lost in Lisa's eyes. Lisa noticed how beautiful Jennie's eyes were in the daylight. Cat eyes that had variety of shades of honey, brown and yellow. But they also had this shadow of sadness. She loosened her grip on Jennie's, releasing her and taking a seat in one of the boat's chair. Jennie sat on the other one, and Lisa untied the boat from the pier, cycling on her pedals and moving them forward. Jennie started to pedal too.

Slowly their navigated off the shore, in the direction of the lake's center. The day was beautiful. There were some white candy cotton clouds and the sky was deep blue. The morning breeze was still blowing. Jennie crossed her arms over her chest, feeling the cool air make her to shiver a bit. Goose bumps were starting to form on her skin.

"I should have thought about it" Lisa took her work shirt off and offered to Jennie. "Here, you can have it, I'm not cold", It was a white polo with light green details and the red and small PY-Chun Pharmacy logo. Lisa was wearing a white tank top underneath it.

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