Chapter 10 - How soon is now

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Jennie felt like everything in the world was right again. The sky was blue. The cool air of the morning was refreshing. Her stomach was not fighting her food anymore. And her mind was not replaying the same mantra over and over. The desire and lust were still there, but in a very manageable way. That was the first morning Lisa didn't prepare her breakfast. If Lisa would be awake in that morning, Jennie was sure she was the one who would prepare the food, not Lisa. Because she owed so much to Lisa. She could not believe her housemate accepted her deal. She felt really lucky.

There were some concerns too, of course. She knew she had feelings for Lisa, but she was not sure of the extension of them. And with sex in the mix, things were even more clouded. She knew the risks. But she also could not imagine how she would do it without Lisa, she was getting literally crazy with her hormones dominating her thoughts and actions. She tried to avoid Lisa, but her body didn't listen to her. And her idea to sleep with Donna was the worst ever, she could admit it now. This just proves how unstable she was. And, yeah, that never stopped to make her feel ashamed.

The best part of all of this was how Lisa was so patience with her. And so good in bed. She was really unbelievable. How she could manage to be single all of this time? It was a mystery to Jennie. Yeah, another mystery about Lisa Manoban. The girl was intriguing Jennie at every turn. Maybe she could use this new closeness with each other to dig a little more. Yeah, she was really curious.

Getting in her office, Jennie was greeted by her co-workers like always.

"There is something different about you this morning." Said Jisoo scratching her chin.

Rosé looked at them then back to Jennie.

"Different how?" Jennie asked oblivious to her assistant interest.

"I don't know, you look really happy, glowing like the sun itself."

Rosé raised one eyebrow, walking in their direction and placing her hand over their shoulder, standing behind their back. "That's probably the pregnancy glowing." She made a pointed pause, smiling to Jennie "It was about time."

"Do you really think?" Jennie asked to Rosé, her smile lighting up her face.

"I'm sure, honey." Rosé nodded pressing her hands firm on Jisoo's shoulder.

"Yeah, that's it." She said with a forced smile.

"Oh, thanks guys."


Despite been sexually frustrated, Lisa woke up in a very good mood in that evening. Jennie was not there, but Lisa hugged the pillow Jennie used, it smelled like her. After a few minutes thinking about the last events, Lisa wanted do to something she didn't do for a while. After showering and taking a bowl of cereal, she set her computer over her lap in the living room and typed for hours. She was not sure what was that exactly, all she knew she was writing what was in her mind. A little of poetry, some prose, some loose sentences. Feelings and actions. She wrote not caring about the shape or the purpose, she just wrote down what felt right.

Around 7, Jennie was back from work, with a different smile in her face.

"Hey!" She yelled at the door to Lisa. "What are you doing?" She asked with a playful voice while Lisa was still typing a feel words in her laptop.

"Nothing really." Lisa shrugged smiling back to Jennie.

"Ok." Jennie displayed a goofy smile to Lisa "I'll take a quick shower, but I'll be right back."

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