Chapter 30 - Forever

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Lisa woke up strangely early the next morning. She had a mild headache; probably a side effect of the long night. Jennie was sound asleep by her side, so she just left the bed and took a well-deserved shower. She was proud of herself for not having drunk too much; otherwise her night would likely have ended disastrously. She went to the kitchen and started to make pancakes. When she was in the right mood, she liked to prepare the mix from scratch; using a recipe she'd improved over the years. Jennie noticed when the pancakes were made using Lisa's recipe and said they were the best in the world, so it was very satisfying to cook them for her Cupcake.

After a few minutes she heard the sound of sloppy steps dragging in the hardwood floor coming from the hall. She turned to see Jennie with her messy hair, still wearing the clothes from the day before, scratching her eyes.

"Are you making pancakes?" She said in her husky morning voice. It was so adorable, that Lisa could not hold the smile sneaking on her face.

"Yes, I am. Morning, Cupcake."

"Morning." She said giving two more steps and kissing Lisa's left cheek.

Lisa places the bowl over the counter and pulled Jennie for a proper hug, brushing her belly in the process. She turned to kiss Jennie on her lips, but she diverted her face from Lisa. "Morning breath." She whined.

"How many times I have to say that I don't care?" Lisa kissed her cheek instead and brushed the belly again. "And how are you doing there, little one?" She said hunching down a bit.

"He was basically moving all night." She mumbled.

Lisa looked up to her. "So that's why you're such a grump this morning?" She said with a teasing smile. Jennie nodded, humming slightly. Lisa hugged her again. "So, take a nice shower and by the time you're done, there will be fluffy, warm and delicious pancakes here waiting for you." She said softly into Jennie's ear, brushing her back. "Okay?" She kissed her forehead and Jennie hummed another answer agreeing.

While Jennie was taking her shower, Lisa finished stirring the batter. By the time Jennie was back, wearing her working clothes, the smell of pancakes were all over the apartment. She sat down by the kitchen table, where Lisa had set their plates, the syrup, butter and two mugs of cocoa. Jennie took a sip for her mug, closing her eyes with the soothing warmth of the drink.

Lisa placed a pile of pancakes in the middle of the table, piling most of them onto Jennie's plate. Jennie smiled to her taking the butter to spread on her pancakes. Lisa smiled back and for a moment they ate in a comfortable silence.

"I'm going to miss this." Jennie said halfway through her pancakes. "These little moments we shared in this apartment."

"Me too." Lisa said back, stuffing her mouth with a big chunk of pancakes. "But we will create new memories in our new home."

Jennie laughed with Lisa clumsiness, speaking with her mouth full. "Yes, we will." She looked at her watch. "We have just a few hours to shop, by noon I have to meet with Rosa."

"The seamstress?"

"Yeah, she is making me a dress from the scratch, because nothing looked good or was really fitting me in the store."

"I'm sure you're going to look amazing." Lisa winked to her.

"I wish!" Jennie looked up sheepishly and Lisa bit her lower lip.

"You will, Cupcake. You're so beautiful, it's impossible for you to look bad in any dress."

Jennie giggled. "Anyway..." She started to fidget with her fork. "I got some things online, so I don't think we need to buy too much stuff in the end."

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