Chapter 36 - Riley

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This is it, Jennie thought. That's why she was enduring 16 hours of pain. To get to this point. Well, not just 16 hours of countless contractions, but also the days, weeks and months prior to that moment. Wishing and dreaming. Plaining and working on it. She had her heart broke into pieces. Then amended again. She met the love of her life. And her heart, was better than ever. So much better.

Life wasn't getting any easier, that was true. But she was not expecting for easy, she wanted it to be fulfilling. That's the whole reason of it, right? Of life.

So when the midwife told her that she could start to push at any moment, a little movie was playing in her head. There is no turning back. Life will change again, for good.

She didn't hesitate. She contemplated. Just for a second. But it felt like a year. Life is going to change. Deep breaths and pushes. Again. And again.

"That's it Cupcake, one more." Said Lisa by her side, never leaving her hand.

She looked at her left hand. She missed to see her rings in there. They were both hanging around her neck. But when she couldn't see them, she would just take Lisa's hand and it would do the trick. Most of the times just look at Lisa was enough.

She made a mental note to thank Lisa later. She could recognize everything Lisa was doing for her, but not respond the way she wanted. Her mind was focused in one thing only: to bring Riley to world safe and sound.

"Breathe and push."

"Just one more."

"One more."

"Yeah, sweetheart, push."




After the last push, Jennie was leaning her back against the bed again.

"Baby you can do it, I have faith in you, okay? Come on, breathe with me." Lisa was brushing her hair, while Jennie was mirroring Lisa's breathe movements.

"I can feel everything." Jennie said panting.

Lisa kissed her hand. "It's alright. Nora said Riley is doing just fine, okay? Dr. Cha is returning soon."

"I think this position is not helping." Jennie looked to her legs and back to Lisa, then to the midwife. "I want to turn to my side."

"Okay Jennie, let's do the way you feel better." Nora said helping Jennie to turn to her side.

She put Lisa to hold one of Jennie's legs, giving her support for the next contraction.

"Don't forget to stop to push when you are crowning, sweetie." Said the midwife.

"Okay." Jennie said with her trembling voice.

The next contraction came and Lisa was holding Jennie firmly. More pushes. More verbal encouragement.

And the minutes passed by, turning into hours. For Lisa it was like days. For Jennie, it was years. She could not talk anymore. Only moans and grunts were leaving her mouth.

"You are crowning, stop to push, Jennie." Said Dr. Cha. "His little head is here, let's take it easy now."

The next part was easier indeed. Gently, Doctor Cha was pulling Riley while instructing Jennie to push in key moments. The room was silence in anticipation. Only Cha's and Jennie's voice could be heard. Lisa looked at everything apprehensive.

"Here he is." Was the last thing he said before placing the tiny human, still quiet over Jennie's chest.

A nurse was brushing his back with a cloth, keeping him in place while Jennie was moving her hands towards him. Lisa was trembling, feeling the tears stinging her eyes.

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