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"Hm..." Minho hummed as he pushed the cart while walking with me along the grocery store.

"Uh... Hyung?" I called out.

He turned to me, "Hm?"

"What exactly are we looking for?" I asked.

He let out a chuckle, shaking his head, "You wanted chicken right?"

"Uh... yeah." I replied, slowly nodding.

"Well then, we're gonna make chicken lollipops."

"Chicken lollipops?" I repeated, tilting my head in confusion.

He nodded, "Haven't heard of it?"

"Not really..."

"Huh, understandable." He said, going back to walking and looking around the meats.

I immediately catched up to him, "What do you mean?"

"Well," He uttered, picking some packages and scanning them, "You came from a rich family so I guess all you eat are whole chicken."


He chuckled, "But don't get it wrong. Chicken lollipops are very high-tier."

Still confused, I asked, "What does it taste like then? Is it sweet? Does it have flavors? Like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry—"

He cut me off as he put his finger on my lips, "I'd prefer if you just quiet yourself and follow me, hm?"

I rolled my eyes, "But I was just asking a question." I muttered.

"What was that?"

I gave him a forced smile and shook my head, "Nothing. Now lead the way sir." I told him in a sarcastic tone.

He just flashed me a smirk and continued walking. Suddenly, we stopped with a section full of meats and he started to scan around it. "Ah, there it is."

"Chicken wings? How are we gonna turn that into lollipops?"

"What did I say?"

I let out a silent sigh and reached for my mouth, doing a zipping action making him nod in return.

"Can I get 10 pieces of chicken wings please?" He asked the woman which she complied immediately.

"Okay, now we go buy the other ingredients." He said as he placed the chicken meat on the cart. He continued walking to somewhere leaving me with no choice but to just follow him.

"Flour... flour... mhm, I see it." He said, picking one package from different types of flour. "All-purpose flour."

"Um, may I ask—"

He blocked my face with his forefinger, "No questions allowed, darling."


"Mhm, figured it would make you shut up but it seems like it won't. What else do I need to call you? Sweetheart? Honey? Baby—"

"Okay, okay, stop! I'll shut up! Geez." I stated in defeat, crossing my arms in frustration.

"Darling, do we have eggs in our house?"

"I thought you'd stop calling me that—"

"Do we?" He repeated in a stern voice.

I sighed in defeat, "Yes, we do."

"How about oil?"


"And seasonings?"

"We have, I'm not sure if we have sugar though. I'll search for one—"

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