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"Hyung, can I go ahead? I'm planning to do some research in the library for some homework."

No response.

Minho was just silent, and his aura seemed darker than ever. He didn't talked to Jisung ever since morning started. He just casually gave him his food for breakfast. Jisung was worried, but decided not to bother him about it. 

"Hyung?" Jisung called out.

"Han-ah, did you go to my room yesterday?" Minho asked in a low voice.

Jisung's eyes widened, his heart started beating faster as he remembered what he saw in his room, "W-what?"

Minho clenched his fist, "I said, did you go to my room yesterday?"

"I-I did not—"

Minho slammed his hand on the table making the latter flinch. He slowly raised his head up to meet Jisung's eyes, and Jisung was met with the eyes of a cold, icy glare. 

"Don't lie."

"Hyung, it's not what you think—"

"What did you saw in there?"

"I didn't mean to! I-I was just..."

Minho scoffed, "I told you before, right? Don't you ever touch that picture."

"Hyung, I—"

"But not only did you touch that picture, you also went through my other stuff."

"Let me explain—"

"What explanation do you have for this?!" Minho snapped, slamming his hand on the table again.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to look through your stuff!"

Minho scoffed again, "You're sorry? And you think that's enough to make it up for what you did?"

"N-No! I know it's not! But Hyung... you don't have to hide it from me! I understand—"

"No, you don't! You don't understand how that thing is important to me! You fucking invaded my privacy! I already told you to never touch that picture and yet you still did! For fuck's sake, Han Jisung, all you had to do is keep yourself away from going into my room!"

"I do understand! Even I—"

"Shut your fucking excuses, Han Jisung! I don't want to hear it! What do you understand about me? What do you understand about pain?!"

Jisung was scared of the Minho in front of him right now. Although he understood why the latter was feeling that rage, he didn't want to hear those painful words coming out of his mouth. "No... that's not it..."

That's not it, Hyung... I completely understand pain, I know exactly how it feels to be in pain...

"Hyung, I—"

"Let me tell you this, Han Jisung. We've only been together for a few months. So you don't have the right to tell me that you understand my pain. Fucking hell, you don't even know me that much!"

Minho's words shot right through Jisung's heart. He always knew that, that he didn't know Minho enough, and he wanted to know more. But now, even Minho told him himself, and it hurted more than he could ever imagine.

Minho turned his back away from Jisung, "Forget it. Let's just get over with all this show and escape this fucking stupid arrangement."

Jisung's eyes widened by Minho's words. "W-what do you mean?"

"We both want to escape this arrangement right? So let's hurry the fuck up so we can convince our parents to cancel the fucking engagement."

Jisung was confused. He didn't know what to feel at that moment. Why is Minho suddenly saying all these?

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