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"What's for breakfast?"

He flinched as soon as he felt my presence behind him, letting him to sigh afterwards as he continue to dry the eggs on the pan, "Omelette."

"Oooh~ I love omelettes!" I squealed.

"Simple but perfect for breakfast." He stated.

"Oh, and can you add extra cheese on my omelette?" I requested and he turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Whoever said I'm making you omelette?" He asked.

"Yah! You should! If you won't, how am I going to eat?!"

He shrugged, "Cook for yourself?"

"But you saw it yourself! I can't cook!"

He scoffed, "So you admit, huh?"

"Yes, now make me some omelette!" I demanded.

"Hm... dunno. What will I get in return?"

"Wha— I don't know! What do you want anyway?!"

"A kiss."

"Fine— wait what?" I looked at him with a confused expression but his eyes were too focused on the pan.

He then turned to me and met my eyes, curving his lips into a smirk, "A kiss."

I cleared my throat and looked away from him, "If you're thinking of teasing me again, it's not gonna work." I told him.

He shifted his body towards me and leaned against the counter with his arms crossed, "Nope, I'm serious. A kiss is what I want in return."

I scoffed, still not believing what he was saying, "Sure then."

He smirked, suddenly grabbing my arm and turning me to switch our positions. He was holding my hands firmly against the counter, eyeing me deeply with an annoying smirk on his face. "I'll take what's mine then."


He put his finger on my chin and lifted my chin up to meet with his eyes. I gulped and closed my eyes, waiting for our lips to touch.

But it never happened. I opened my eyes only to see him laughing out loud as he lean his body against table. "You should've seen your face!" He said, wiping a fake tear from his eye.

I felt my face getting flustered. I looked down in embarrassment and clenched my fist. I looked back to him and gave him a stern glare, "You fucking idiot." I said in a low voice.

He stopped laughing and blinked as he look into my eye, "W-wait— y-you're actually not mad right?"

I scoffed, slowly walking closer to him, "How dare you..." He stepped back, "Trick me..."


"Like that... YOU MOTHERFUCKER!"

"Oh shit!" He cursed, immediately turning his back and running away making me chase him.

"Come back here, you stupid motherfucker!" I yelled.

He laughed, "Catch me if you can!"

"You—!" I used all my strength and ran as fast as I could until I finally caught him. I pushed him, making him fall on the floor and hovered over him, I clenched my fists and raised it up in the air, ready to punched him. I used full force and threw my fist on him but he blocked it with his left hand.

"Oops, guess you missed your hit." He said making me grit my teeth in annoyance. He pulled my fist making me lose my balance, resulting to our bodies completely closing the gap between us. Our faces were inches away, I could even feel his breath already. He smirked, "So? What's your next move, darling?"

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