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"It's all your fault. If it wasn't for you I shouldn't—"

"No! Don't say that Jiwoo! I-I'm sorry!"

"I never should've talked to you from the start. You were such a waste of time for me. If only I ignored you from the start, then my life could've been better!"

"D-don't say that... I-I really didn't want that to happen!"

"It should've been you, Han Jisung. It should have always been you. But look what you've done. You ruined my life!"

"NO!" He shrieked, completely out of breath as soon as he opened his eyes.

He was shaking, he was sweating, his heart was beating so fast. His fingers were trembling, and tears were strolling down his face.

He palmed his face and continued to sob, "No... please don't say that..."

"I'm sorry, Jiwoo..."

* * * * * 

The two look at him with such worried expressions in their faces, unable to think on what they can do to help their friend.

"Sungie, aren't you gonna eat again?" Felix worriedly asked.

Jisung sighed and dropped his chopsticks on the tray, "I-I'm not really in the mood to eat these days."

"But you should eat. Even if it's just one bite. You can't keep on disrupting your health like that, Han Jisung." Seungmin stated.

Jisung kept silent and stared at his food with no expression. He grabbed his chopsticks again only to drop it after a second with a sigh, "I... I really can't."

Silence surrounded the three of them. Felix and Seungmin can't help but be worried for their friend. It has been a week since the incident happened, and Jisung hasn't eaten properly since then. 

"Is he still not talking to you?"

Jisung slowly shook his head, "I only see him at the campus. When I get home, he already locks himself up in his room. When I wake up, he's already gone with a breakfast served in our dining table."

"He still cares for you, then." Felix said.

Jisung shut his eyes, "It doesn't change the fact how he still despises me up to today. It's been a week and he's still not talking to me."

Seungmin stared at Jisung, as if he has been wanting to open a certain topic but was hesitating at the same time. He took a deep breath and managed to ask, "Wanna talk about it?"

Jisung raised his head and raised his brow, "About what?"

"About the other choice."

"Oh." Jisung uttered, lowering his head once again. "I... I wasn't ready then..."

"How about now?" Felix asked.

Jisung shook his head, "I don't know..."

"Which is why you chose to get engage with Minho instead, right? Even if you don't know him?" Seungmin said.

Jisung nodded, "I know the second choice would be much easier... but the things is, it's me. I couldn't handle it just yet..."

"Ji, don't cry! We'll meet again soon!"

"I-I'm scared..."


"W-what if one day you forget about me?"

He chuckled and ruffled his hair, "That won't happen, Ji. I'll be the one to find a way for us to see each other again!"

"Y-you promise?"

"Yeah, I promise!"

"I... I can't go see him yet... I'm not ready. E-especially his..."

"Sungie, I think it's time you forgive yourself." Felix told him.

Jisung shook his head, "I don't know, Felix... he... he's probably resenting me, and soon maybe Lino-hyung will too..."

"Jiwoo is not that kind of person, you know that." Seungmin said.

"No, it's possible. After all I..."

"Jiwoo would definitely not like the way you are now. He'd probably even beat the fuck out of us if he knew we're not taking care of you." Seungmin said.

"Hm... you think so? Jiwoo is the nicest guy I've met, there's no way he'd do that." Felix replied, earning a smack on the head by Seungmin.

"Just go with the flow, you freckled kid."

"Hey! I'm older than you!" Felix retorted.

Seungmin rolled his eyes, "Just by a few weeks."

As the two were arguing, Jisung thought of the dream he had last night and can't help but make a decision he's unsure of.

"What if..." Jisung uttered making the two turn back their attention to their friend. "What if I talk to my mom about it?"

"About what?" Seungmin and Felix both asked.

"About the other choice."

Their eyes widened, "You're not saying you're choosing that, are you?" Seungmin asked.

Jisung lowered his head, "I don't want to hurt people anymore. I don't want to be a bother anymore. After all, even Lino-hyung..."

"We both want to escape this arrangement right? So let's hurry the fuck up so we can convince our parents to cancel the fucking engagement."

"It's been 10 years since then... I should be ready by this time..."

"Jisung, you..."

Jisung sighed, "Or maybe not..."

* * * * * *

As he walk his way out of the campus, he heard a familiar voice calling his name.


He turned his head only to meet with the eyes of BX running towards him, "Hyung."

"You okay? It's been a week and you're still feeling down."

Jisung lowered his head, "He... he's still not talking to me. No matter how many times I tried to talk to him, he just never shows interest in having a conversation with me."

BX sighed, "Hm... if that's the case, then how about you buy something for him?"

"I don't even know what he likes..."

"Well... I heard he hasn't been eating these days..."

Jisung's eyes widened, "He isn't?!"

"Yeah, I overheard his and Changbin's conversation. How about you cook for him?"

Jisung sighed, "The thing is, I can't fucking cook. He's always the one who cooks for the two of us."

"Don't you know at least one dish?" BX asked.

"Well, I do know one. It's called nasi goreng, someone in my childhood taught me how to cook it since I loved it so much, and since then, it has only been the food I knew how to cook."

"Why don't you make it then? He'll definitely appreciate it, especially that someone like you, who can't cook, made it for him."

"You really think so?"

BX nodded, "Yup! If you want, I can accompany you to the grocery store!"

"Would that be okay for you?"

"Of course!"

* * * * *

Can y'all guess if this is gonna have a happy ending or not? 👀

Lots of love! <3

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