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He froze on his spot, I could already see his eyebrow twitching as he heard my voice. He turned to me with an annoyed expression, "What?!"

I gave him a smile as I walked towards him, "Hm? Are you mad? But you literally promised—"

He huffed in annoyance and gave out a forced smile, "No I'm not. Now, what do you want? Make it quick please."

"Nothing, just trying to get used to the fact that we're finally not gonna act strangers on school from now on!" I squealed in excitement.

"Look, I know we had a deal that we'll team up to cancel the arrangement. But can we like... not associate with each other at school?"

I shook my head, "Nope!"

"Han-ah!" He pleaded.

I stuck my tongue on him, "Nuh-uh-uh." I stated, then grabbing his arm afterwards. "Come on, let's walk to school together!"



And so I dragged him inside the campus, with my hand on his arm. He's obviously being forced by me right now but who cares? I'm literally enjoying this.

People's eyes are on us, whispering can be heard. Isn't this the typical cliché scene in movies? Wow, so these scenes actually happens in real life. What's next? Girls bullying me?

"Han-ah, my room is just around here. Can you let go of me now, please?" He asked.

"Hm? Where?" I said, looking around, "I'll drop you off at your class!" I offered.

"No! Just— I'll go by myself!"

"Oh come on, don't be such a shy boy now okay?" I teased.

"I'm not! Just—"

"Jisung?" We stopped as we heard a familiar voice calling out my name.

We turned our heads to that specific direction and met with the eyes of BX. "Gonnie-hyung! Hello!" I greeted.

He looked over to me, then to Minho, then back to me again. "You... the two of you are close?" He asked, pertaining to me and Minho.

"Hm?" I uttered, until I realized he was referring to Minho, "Oh. Well, we kinda coincidentally met this morning while I was on my way to school so..."

He gave me a smile, "That's great then! You're making more senior friends now, aren't you?" He said, patting my head and giving a ruffle to my hair.

I nodded, "Thank you, Hyung!"

"Are you here to drop Minho to his class?" He questioned, making me nod.


"Okay then, I'll walk you to your class." He offered.

"Really?" I asked with my eyes lit up.

He nodded, "Mhm." He replied, reaching out his hand for me to take.

A smile curved into my lips, as I reach my hand onto his, "Sure—"

"No need." Minho interrupted, grabbing my arm before my hand can even touch BX's. I turned my head to Minho in confusion but he was just giving BX some questionable looks. "I'll walk him there."

I tilted my head in confusion, "But you said—"

"Come on, Han-ah." He interrupted again, bringing his hand on mine and holding it tightly as we walk away.

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