love sick puppies

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Clove's POV
As I followed Mrs Murphy and Addam out I wondered how similar they looked perfect actually. Addam was well built and had brown hair that brought out the blue of his eyes. His lips formed a perfect smile. He looked like a model from a magazine.
We came to a stop right in front of a red Ferrari.
Wow! They must be rich.

That's when Mrs Murphy turned towards me

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That's when Mrs Murphy turned towards me.
"Clove, Addam will drop you home. I have a meeting I must attend."
"OK, Mrs Murphy," I said trying my best not to have a mental break down. She was leaving me alone with the Greek God.
"sweetheart call me Raven or mom.. Were family now. And here, this is my number. Call me if you need anything. I'll be back in an hour." she said with a smile.

She then turned to Addam. It looked like they were speaking through their eyes... Yeah, now I'm officially crazy! Yay me!
Soon I said goodbye to Mrs mu- I mean mom and followed the hot boy into the car. He indeed was a gentleman as he opened the door of his car so I could enter. He looked a few years older than me and seemed to be an experienced driver since He drove smoothly as we sat in silence. I looked out of the window, at the woods. Hmm. I wonder if he had a girlfriend.

He was drop-dead gorgeous said a voice in my head.
WAIT! why do I care if he's single or not?! It's not like he will ever be interested in anyone like me.
The silence was broken by Addam clearing his throat gaining my attention.
I looked at him. He had a sharp jawline. I didn't realize that I had been staring until he chuckled and said: "like what you see?"

Omg! This is embarrassing. I felt myself blush. "I've seen better," I said without thinking. Who am I kidding, I really have not met anyone like him. He had this powerful aura and his looks were to die for. Wow, where did that come from Clove? I have never been feisty nor so infatuated in my life.
However, my comment seemed to annoy him. But He simply smirked and let it slide
"So tell me everything about yourself," he said his voice husky.
"umm... My names Clove... I don't have a sir name.. Iv been living at the orphanage as long as I remember. My parents never wanted me. They abandoned at the door of the orphanage... I'm almost 18.."
" sorry about your parents. So your still 17 aye? When's your birthday?"
He asked looking solemn about being sorry.
"April 14" I replied
"that's in a month! I'm sure Andre will be interested in hosting your party."
"who's Andre?" I asked. Maybe it was his girlfriend's name. Obviously, he had a girlfriend. I mean gorgeous guys are never single.
"you'll meet her. She's apart of your pa- family now... Here we are."
I looked out of the window and felt my jaw drop. The house was huge. No, it was a mansion.

It was beautiful

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It was beautiful. 'I think I'm dreaming' I said to myself in my head. It looked like one of those castles from some Disney movie. It reminded me of 'Beauty and the Beast '.Smh, now im overthinking.
"Come on," said Addam as he held my hand and brought me into the mansion.
The moment our hands made contact I felt sparks and tingles. Geez. Come on you can't behave like this Clove! I mentally say kicking my brain. I'm behaving like a lovesick puppy.
I held her hand and l could feel the pull of the mate bond. A simple contact like this gave me pleasure.
"we love mate and I think mate thinks that we are hott," said axel
" I know I hope she loves us too"

I was interrupted by Andre enveloping us in a hug. Yes if your wondering who Andre was, she was the witch I stayed with. Andre had joined our family when she was 3.Her mom was my mom's best friend. Her parents were on a mission and had never returned so we adopted her. Yes at times she was annoying but I considered her family and as my little sister.

I noticed how Clove was surprised by Andre's behaviour when she hugged her. She looked absolutely stunned. So I said "Andre she can't- breath" even though I she could never really hurt Clove, my love under my watch, I wanted to support her so I gave her palm a squeeze.

She pulled away making Ann jump back

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She pulled away making Ann jump back.
"I'm soo sorry! I was just soo excited about having another girl in a house with 3 boys! Around all the gets boring ya know? " she exclaimed

Clove smiled. A smile that reached her eyes. It was real and made my wolf purr.
"Now move along brother, Clove and I are going to spend a lot of time together"
I didn't want to agree but knew that there was no point arguing with Andre.

So I nodded and I gave Clove a smile which she returned and walked out of the house. I wondered how it would feel to kiss her pink plump lips.

Come on Addam you can't become a lovesick puppy you are an alpha strong and indestructible but I couldn't help thinking about her. I have pack duties to attend to. Hmph. "I miss her already" whined Axel. "Me too" I replied. all I wanted to do was wrap her within my arms, keep her safe and love her entirely.

Opening the door to my office I felt my shoulders drop at the sight of the huge piles of paperwork waiting for we go again. I cursed under my breath and began the ultimate task.

The treaty with the neighbouring pack was going to expire in a few days but me and Cole the alpha of the midnight pack decided that we would revive it, this evening. ugh, that means I cant see Clove until I' mm did with all of this.

Speaking of Cole there seemed to be something going on between him and Andre. Because when they're in the same room the tension can literally be seen. If my relationship with my sister had been the same as it was a few years ago I would have asked her myself but after the accident where she lost her wolf almost everyone had distanced themselves from her, even mom and dad, She changed..but can you blame them. She was now a witch, one of our sworn enemies.No longer one of us and it didn't help that my brother had been bitten by a vampire while trying to save his mate. But he couldn't save her and his pup she was carrying. Sammy his mate was a wonderful woman. They were supposed to be the best leaders in our history. But their kindness overruled their judgement. you see Sammy's brother was rogue. He blamed his situation of being exiled from the pack on his sister. He was a bad man and believed that women were nothing but mere toys. One day Sammy found him hurting a girl and she reported it to the alpha. And that's how he was cast out.

The oracle, Feebe had foreseen trouble coming their way and had warned them that it had something to do with him. But Lucifer and Sammy being the forgiving souls believed that he had changed and invited him for their sons baby shower.

THAT SCUMBAG had tricked everyone and had waged war on our pack.  We lost a lot of lives including Sammy and her unborn child as well as Lucifer who was turned into a vampire losing everything he had.Eversince my brother had blocked everyone from his life.  He tried drinking away his pain but that did not help. Even though he puts on this tough guy act I know deep down he's still hurting but keeps masking it. Those were dark times even thinking back to those days makes me shiver.

Though your love was shallow I managed to drownWhere stories live. Discover now