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Addams pov.
I was back in our  old room. When I mean our I'm referring to the one I shared with my siblings. I felt guilty for not being there for my sister when she needed me the most. I had been selfish and pushed her away. Lucifers words kept ringing in my ears. The pact. When Andre was born a prophecy had been for told.
'the son of the one cursed by the moon
      Shall bear the crown and shall rule the                      lands cursed by the moon.
         The other child shall be cursed
              By the sun, moon and earth.
He shall no longer stay a creature of birth
     He shall fight wars and win them all
    He too shall rule the house of the night.
   Then the last child as foretold shall bear      pain and a death toll of their reign .
She shall bring one who will be clad in white.
And he shall be the destroyer of the world,
Or he shall unite the sun moon and the earth'

I still remember how frightened my parents had been when they heard the prophecy. I and lucifer were around eight years old. We made a promise that we would protect her when the time came but we were just kids. I signed and felt Clove enter the room.

She smelt amazing. She then came towards me and ruffled my hair. Ooh how I'd love to get used to this. My wolf really wanted to mark her. I turned around and asked her

"Clove, can I mark you?" I asked looking into her eyes unsure about how she would feel.. But she smiled and nodded. She sat down on the couch and I sat down with her.

"it's okay if you don't want me to -" she cut me off and said "I want you too"
I then kissed her slowly after a while, I pulled away giving her a chance to breath. Then I kissed the spot where I was going to bite her and then bit down.

She let out a cry first but after a while I could fell he holding back a smile. I then let go to take a good look at her. She was beautiful.. She was mine and was perfect.
The next day.
I woke up to find my beautiful mate beside me. We were still on the couch in my childhood bedroom. I took a good look at my mark on her neck.

It looked good on her. She then opened her eyes and gave me a smile. I was really blessed to have someone like her as my mate. I dint know how to thank the moon goddess.
She then looked at her arm and that when I saw a wolf's tattoo.

 She then looked at her arm and that when I saw a wolf's tattoo

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You see we aren't like humans. We can't get tattoos. But their are print that appear on our bodies. I had one, lucifer and Andre did too I guess it's because we have alpha blood in us.

Clove probably got it because of her dad but why wasn't it there until I marked her.
She was admiring the wolf on her arm. It indeed was beautiful. But why did it appear all of a sudden?
Sudden realization hit me, she was part wolf and vampire.. Maybe she's going to shift soon.

I looked at her lovingly and spoke
"baby I think your going to shift"
She looked shocked as hell but nodded any way. My wolf was jumping with joy but that's when caden mind linked me
'alpha we have a little problem at the eastern border.. There's a witch and she's looking for Andre.. "
I shot up from the couch and looked at Clove.

" baby I need to leave there's a witch at the border"
"I'll come with you" she said determined. She was using her Luna tone already
" lm going to be your Luna one day so -"
"okay let's go but you'll have to stay behind me alright."
"okay" she said flashing a smile.

We left and were soon close to the Eastern border. Caden was their and so was lucifer.

The witch whipped her head in Clove's direction and I growled protectively.
"oh alpha, I mean no harm... I'm just going to warn you though.. Your loving sister is a threat to your pup" she spoke
I was confused and I think she realized that. She then laughed. "oh dear, you don't know it do you, but your mates carrying your pup and the prophecy states that you're sister is a threat to you and your family. So do a favor to yourself and hand her over."

"the prophecy is nothing but bullshit." I replied.
"oh is it.. Maybe it hasn't completely come true yet.. But hasn't lucifer, your brother, been cursed by the sun.. He is no longer a wolf boy.. Your sister shall bear a son who shall burn the werewolf kingdom and the whole world. She is a mistake that must be corrected. She has to die".

I don't know what to do. If what she said was true then I wanted to protect my family and pack but I can't kill my sister.
"make up your mind not, for later it shall be too late" and with that she vanished.
I was afraid for Clove, our pup, the pack and the world.

Was the prophecy really true. Was Andre and her child the end of the world. Should I kill my sister?
I looked at lucifer. Every inch of his face held worry. The choice had to be made before its too late. The witches words kept echoing in me, was Andre really a threat. My wolf was silent too.

He loved his mate but he loved his sister too. He was contemplating the situation just like I was.

Turning around I met Clove's eyes. She had a hand around her belly in a protective way. Worry, fear and confusion flashed through her eyes..

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