Wedding Bells

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Clove's pov
What the hell was this witch going on about? Andres going to murder my child..

I protectively put my hand on my belly. I wasn't sure about a lid being there but if there was one then I would be the happiest person in the world.

After the witch disappeared addam took me to the pack hospital. That's when the nurse exclaimed
"oh! Congratulations Luna!! Your bearing the future alpha in there. Now it'll only take about five months for it to be completely ready to enter our world but it might be quicker since your partly a vampire."

Addam looked happy. But then began to frown. Did he not want a child. Sensing my sadness addam shot me a look which soon turned into a smile. Does he not love me anymore? Did he not want our child.. These thoughts broke my heart and sadness seeped into my bones.

We were soon out of the hospital back in the car on our way back home. It was awfully silent and I knew if I spoke I would end up breaking down. Addam glanced at me and then stopped the car close to the side walk.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled. Sorry?! Is he sorry about not loving me anymore or was he talking about the child.. I felt tears roll down my cheaks leaving addam surprised.
"have I said something to upset you" he questioned looking hurt.

I knew there was no way I was going to able to talk to him right now maybe I could use that mindlink thing.
'do you not love me anymore.. Do you not want me and your child around.. Is that why you apologized?'..

'what noo, Clove, I'm really happy.. I love you and I also love my baby so don't you dare speak like that again. I would rather die than have both of you leave me..'

'then why did you apologize?'
He signed "I wanted you to have a wedding. Isn't that every girls dream, to walk the asile? I wanted to make your every dream come true."

I was surprised but happy. A wedding! My wedding! I squealed.. I'm soo lucky. Iv always wanted to have a grand wedding and now I might get just that. Addam chuckled at the sight of me squealing.

Later that day addam sent Jess to take me shopping. She was knocking on my door looking pretty as always. I waited for a bitchy comment but it never came.

"Luna, let's leave we'll be using alphas car. Come on. Usually it would have been Andre taking me anywhere but she wasn't here. I missed her. Where was she? Was she fine? When was she coming back home? Why did she leave?.

" ugh, you can't be serious, why did she leave, she was locked in a cellar for trying to change the way that asshole sees her" she spoke.
When I realized that she was calling Cole an asshole I growled. He was my brother, how dare she.

"look, I'm not trying to start a fight but have you ever thought about how it would feel if you were in her place. What if addam says he doesn't want you and goes around hooking up with random females huh? Don't you think it would have hurt. You've got it easy. Your mate accepted you. Not all of us are lucy enough. "

She spoke with a lot of pain.
" well obviously I will talk with a lot of pain.. I-I was rejected too. You know I wasn't always such a bitch. I was supposed to be addams beta. "

Today was filled with surprises.Jess just smiled and continued.
" I had been trained my complete life to take up the beta position. So, we've got this law that states that when mates meet their position always increases. It means if an omega is an alphas mate, the omegas position would be equal to an alpha with being marked. That's what happened. Rejection is a very rare thing "

She continued clutching the steering her knuckles turning white.
" he was a gamma but I was a beta hence he too became a beta.. He was in love with another woman back then. She was pregnant with his child and they weren't even mates"she gave a cold laugh.

" he rejected me by saying that they were truly in love and shit. So he couldn't be with me. He rejected me and guess what, in a few months his dear love found her mate. She aborted their child and left with him"

Her laughter echoed in the car.
"now, he comes to me looking like a lost puppy, saying that he's sorry and wants to give 'us' a shot. He dint hold back while rejecting me you know. He didn't cry. But I remember falling in my knees begging him to stop. But he didn't. And now he wants me?! "

She looked soo broken. Now I understood why she was always be having like a bitch. She was punishing herself and her mate. Who was he. Who was the current beta. The it piped out. It was caden but he looked so sweet, kind. I guess I can't judge anyone on the basis of their looks. Now, I felt like Cole had been selfish. I knew he had his reasons but look at where it got him. He was broken but Andre had been like that since the attack. I pitied all of them.

Everyone had different ways to stay in check with their reality. Cole would hook up with other females, Andre would leave and Jess would turn the bitch mode on.

She then stopped the car in front of a boutique. It was huge and clad of various beautiful dresses. Jess got out and so did I. She held me by my arm and dragged me in. A woman greeted us and asked us.

"oh! Miss Jess and-"
I answered "Clove"
Yes.. Miss Jess and Clove what would you like to look at? "
" wedding gowns" said Jess.
"oh, sure.. By the way is miss Murphy not with you?" she questioned. She knew Andre.
"no" snapped Jess.

The woman nodded and led us to a room filled with white gowns. We tried various dresses and veils in the end we stuck to the third on we had tried on. And bought a blue gown for the brides maid. I wanted Andre to be my maid of honor but she wasn't around. I turned to Jess but she smiled and said "I'd love to do it Luna".

They all looked beautiful

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They all looked beautiful. The wedding gown highlighted my curves and made me look and feel beautiful.. I wanted to look at addams face when he looked at me. Excited we walked back to the car and soon were back home.

Though your love was shallow I managed to drownWhere stories live. Discover now