Gone With The Wind

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A few days had passes since I had been locked in this awful place. Well I was paying for my crimes. And what was it that I had done? I wanted someone I love to give me a chance. And look where it got me.

I signed. I had heard a few guards speaking yesterday. Apparently ava drank the potion I had made and wandered towards addam and tried claiming him, he wasn't able to pull away because of the spell the potion had put him under.

Poor Clove had witnessed it and had fainted, now she hardly speaks to him and is always silent. She spent most of the day locked up in the room doing God knows what. The days were passing by quickly and addam would come and go without saying a word. People passed by giving me evil, scornful looks.

And not once had Cole come to me. And I had a feeling that I needed to let go of him. I had been fighting for love that never even existed. There never had an us and after me turning out to be the bad guy of the story I doubt there ever will be. I looked at the stone walls. I was going to give up on love.

It was something I was never going to receive. I'm going to leave this place once and for all. I am no longer welcomed here. For all I know even my mom and dad hate me. Like it wasn't a big issue at the moment since by brother the alpha was against me so was his mate, ohh lets not forget Cole and rest of the pack which was close to 587 wolves.
I looked around.

To be honest this place was easy to break out of. They should tighten the security up. I looked around and realized that the guards weren't around. I quickly chanted a sleep spell, just in case anyone was around. I then pulled at the chains and they came off. I was once a gamma and a wolf eventhough I did lose most of my abilities as a wolf, my strength stayed and I don't know why I never told anyone that I still was as strong as I was back then even without going through my first shift.

I smirked and chanted a another spell to keep me cloaked. I was never going to return,it was something I knew deep down. I made it out of the dark hallway into the lobby. I passed by without getting caught.

I mean they couldn't see me. I rarely used magic and today I had already casted two. It was draining me.
I quickly sneaked into my room and to my luck it was empty. I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror I had bags under my eyes, my face was pale and my New blonde hair made me look paler.

I then freshened up, and brought a pair of scissors to my hair and snapped it. By the end I had shoulder length hair. I put on some light makeup and was satisfied with the way I looked

I packed some of my things in my duffel bag and sneaked out that's when I realized I had been caught

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I packed some of my things in my duffel bag and sneaked out that's when I realized I had been caught. My brother was looking at me with concern. And by brother I mean lucifer.the spell had worn off.

"please don't tell anyone you saw me here luce, please.. I'm leaving for good I won't return, I won't trouble anyone please let me go.. I don't want to stay in a place where I'm not wanted." I pleaded and felt the tears I had been holding in spill onto my cheek. He then did something I never expected. He hugged me.

Though your love was shallow I managed to drownWhere stories live. Discover now