And Together They Buit A Life

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Clove's POV.
Andre left without a trace and I felt guilty for some reason. Addam looked lost. His eyes held no emotion at all. Cole looked heartbroken and afraid. Lucifer on the other hand appeared like he could kill anyone right now.

We followed addam a room with red walls. It looked like it was hardly used. That's when u saw a bunker bed and a cradel. When I looked around I noticed pictures of Andre, lucifer and addam.

 When I looked around I noticed pictures of Andre, lucifer and addam

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This must've been their room when they were little

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This must've been their room when they were little. The walls were decorated with fairy lights and pictures of wolves. We came to the center and sat on the couch. But there were only three seats though. The boys went ahead and settled down occupying all the space. Where was I supposed to sit?

Addam tapped his lap. Wait, he wanted me to sit on his lap. I didn't know what to say so I quietly walked towards him. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and placed me on his lap like I weighed nothing more than a feather. He then rested his chin on my shoulder. I couldn't help but blush.

Like, I had a feeling that I was turning into a shade of scarlet. Cole almost let out a soft chuckle but suppressed it with in him as lucifer flashed his red eyes and fangs at him. The tension in the room made the air feel empty. It was quite but Addam was the first one to speak.

"how long have you know, Cole and who all were aware about this?" he questioned.
"iv known ever since I shifted.. I wasn't completely sure so I kept quiet because I knew I would know for sure once she shifted. But she lost her wolf before that and turned into a" he whispered.
"a monster" he completed with disgust and distaste in his tone.

"she isn't a monster, you are!" lucifer eyes went completely black and addams grip tightened around me.
"relax lucifer" he said with a lot of dominance.

"don't you dare use that tone on me. I'm not one of your wolves. You have no control over me. And if you don't remember we had a pact to uphold and even if you have forgotten about it I haven't" he snapped.
Addam lifted his chin away from me.
"your one to speak.. You couldn't even keep Sammy safe." he barked.

The look on lucifer face showed that addam had struck a nerve. I think addam regretted it because he slowly lifted me and placed me close to Cole while standing up.

Lucifer dint say anything. And addam looked like he was going to apologize for what Cole interrupted them.
"this was never about Andre was it. It was about Sammy. All this time you been blaming me, waiting to find a reason to kill me and now your using Andre as an excuse. What happened to her was not my fault. You lost her and your pup because of the attack.
Do you think that your the only one who lost some that you loved. I lost my mom. My dad wasn't stable after losing his mate. And do you know who killed her. A witch. How can you blame me for not accepting Andre. If you ever have a second chance mate who was a Rouge, yeah Rouge, do you think youd accept her after Sammy and your pup were killed by one. Huh? "coles voice had been rising and he looked pissed.

Lucifer just laughed. Before pinning Cole against the wall by his colar.
" stop this nonsense right now. "boomed addam.
Lucifer just smirked but let go of Cole.
But then his face went blank again.
" I've lost a lot of people I love... And I'm not ready to lose my sister too.. "
He looked at addam in the eye.
" I wish I could say you wanted the same thing as me.. But I guess priorities change" he continued "but to me... Family doesn't, no matter where, how they are" he finishes and leaves the room.
Cole scratched the back of his neck.
"I'm going to send a search party out. I do regret it. But I had my reasons too. I will make sure shes safe.. I.. I think I miss her"

Saying that Cole left. After a few seconds addam made his way to me and hugged me and began to sobb. I tried comforting him by rubbing his back, hugging him and say some comforting thing. I felt hurt just seeing him like that.
Andres pov
I've been walking for what has been feeling like hours now. According to my map there should a hotel around here. It was for the paranormal. So no humans could see it and but that didn't stop me from asking people.

I came across a guy who looked pretty decent so I decided to give it a shot.
"hey do you know where the hotel Lunaville s located?"
He smiled "yeah, come with me.. So your a witch aye? I'm a a jinn. Now your probably would call me a genei and I'm here at your service my lady. It was said that a woman with blonde hair dressed in black would be my master and here you are"

"Whaa, master me, excuse me but I think you've got the wrong person" I replied.
Sure I knew genies existed but they had the same birthmark as their master.
"Im not mistaken my lady. He then pulled his collar down and I saw my birth mark on his collar bone.

What the hell is going on

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What the hell is going on. I looked at him to find any trace of guilt, anger, cunning Ness but he looked solem. He then let go of the collar of his shirt and looked straight at me.

"I'll introduce myself to you now.. I'm Zayn, ur loyal servant and genie. I will follow you to the ends of the world and will protect you with all my might, you are my master and I, your loyal servant, forever shall I be able to full fill your wishes and needs. " he spoke with confidence.
" ummm. OK, you can can stop calling me Master now.. "
" what must I call you Master? "

" call me Andre or Ann whatever you want really but not master. You are my friend and comrade not my slave do you understand? You have your own will and can do as you wish.. Is that understood? "
" Yes" he replied with a smile. "so Ann I'll escort you to the hotel" he said holding out his hand. I took it. He made me hope that maybe I was gonna be alright and I don't know why..

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