Under Attack

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The wedding was just like one from a fairy tale. It was one of the most memorable moments of my life. A few months had passed after my dream came true. My baby bump was showing a lot now a days. I wonder how my baby's doing. Today addam and I were planning on going baby shopping and mom and dad were joining us (the Murphys). We had we had gone to the hospitals for several check ups and now we know that are baby's a boy and a healthy one.

I was dressed in a simple sun dress and tied my hair in loose pony tail. My appetite had increased a lot. I visited the kitchen atleast seven times already and it was only eleven in the morning. Ugh. My craving for ice cream had grown too sure iv always loved it but right now it was an obsession. Last night I woke up and had addam buy 2 buckets of blackcurrant ice cream and finished it on the spot.

Up Till now I hadn't stopped throwing up for a week and had left addam to panic but Leah, the pack doctor said that it was  normal. It had been 4 months and my baby had grown a lot. It had also been four months since Andre left. I didn't hate her but I felt threatened just thinking about her, the witch 's words echoing in my head. I know that it wasn't her fault but her baby would only bring harm to my child. And I guess, I hated her her unknown child for it but can you blame me. I'm a mother now, I would give my life to protect my loved ones.

I heard a knock on the wooden door and knew it was Addam.
'come in love, you don't need to knock, it's your room as much as it is mine'
Addam opened the door and entered. He kissed my forehead and my tummy. He let go and held out an arm.
"shall we leave my queen and prince?"
I nodded and giggled.
We were joined by mom and dad who envoloped me in a hug. The whole family was here except Andre and lucifer. It wad been a while since I saw him around. Before I could utter a reply to any of mom's questions caden ran into the room. "alpha - atta-roughe-with I couldn't understand anything cause he was panting pretty hard.
" what are you saying caden? "addam asked using his alpha tone
" alpha, the pack is under an attack.
We rushed out of the pack house and noticed the blood bath. There were several dead corpses of wolves lying on the ground while the rest were fighting.
My Luna instincts kicked in and I told addam.

" I'll gather all the women and children, I will lead them to the underground safe hold" I said. Addam nodded and looked proud. I hadn't shifted into a wolf even after I was marked. My vampire instincts did kick in once in a while, but it was if I felt threatened or cornered. Right now I was pretty much human.

I mindlinked all the women to bring their children to the safe hols and they all obliged. We were soon underground and safe. I was worried about addam. I sent silent prayers to the moon goddess for his and the packs safety. Everything was silent for a moment and then I heard a scream. It was a little girl.

"luna, my daughters about to shift, help her please." said an old woman. I had no idea on what to do. I felt a hand on my shoulder and realized that it was Jess. She looked tired and I realized that she too had been fighting alongside caden.
I looked at her and she gave me a look that said' just go to her' and so I did.

Upon reaching the girl I let my plalm touch her head she instantly quite Ed. And began to shift into a brown wolf. The wolf was beautiful but not as beautiful as addams. She wagged her tail and liked my palm. I smiled and let go, her mother was greatful and the respect that was radiating from these women made my heart swell with pride. The rest of the day was spent worrying about the men in battle.
A day had passed and I knew that I might get out of here and fight along side addam but then I remembered that I had to protect our boy. I was so wary. Several women including Jess and ava who took turns while fighting came back and comforted me. Ava fought till sunset and Jess replaced her when she came back to rest wounded and fought till sunrise. I hadn't liked both of them before but I realized that they had their reasons and were ready to give up their life for the pack.

Jess came and sat beside me. She started
"you know you have nothing to worry about, all those men will be fine, they can't lose cause that would damage their ego. And believe me when I say that they will win, iv been with each one of them except the oldies so trust me I know"
She said each. Addam was counted in wasn't he. I felt jealousy deep in within me.
"Clove, don't worry, I'm not your rival, I'm not even close to how perfect you are. I mean look at yourself, you're beautiful, kind, loving, brave, cool and what not and here I am, the pack bitch" she let out a sad chuckle.

I looked at her. She was different from the girl I had first met. I gave her a smile which she returned. The door opened and I shot up and came face to face with addam. He was bruised but look okay. I ran to him and kissed him. It made me relax. We were safe. All the other men entered in and were greeted by their families.
"we missed you Addy" I squealed but I felt tipsy all of a sudden. I felt giddy and light headed. When I looked down I noticed a pool of blood below me. My baby.. What was happening. I heard addam shout and Leah rush towards me. I couldn't remember anything after that cause everyone switched the lights off.

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