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Clove's POV
I couldn't hear anything around me but I could feel addams presence through the mate bond.he was panicking, I felt his anger. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't. My mind and body were still.
That's when I heard a voice. It was soft, motherly you could say. It sounded like a whisper

"Clove, Clove"
I couldn't recognize who it was. But I felt safe. My surroundings began to shift, first I thought I was waking up but then I saw myself. I looked a little older, a little more mature. Then I saw two little kids run towards me, both boys. They had tufts of brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. They were cute. Suddenly I saw Addam appear. He took my breath away. It appeared as if he had grown more handsome. He came and lifted one of the boys in to the air while the other clung to my leg. The me, in front of me lifted the boy up and kissed his forehead. They looked soo happy. A perfect family, one could say.

The secne changed and I saw Addam teaching the little boys how to fight. I could hear someone cheering, now the boys looked older but only about twelve years old. They looked happy. The scene changed again but this time it was a room filled with blood.. I saw one of the boys lying on the floor in a puddle of blood... I then saw a girl, I couldn't see her face though it was her back. She had long hair, and seemed to be closing the door. She must have...

The voice returned again.
"Clove, my child you are brave and strong. You are the mother of two boys who will change the world. But my dear, one of your children suffers a curse of being ill-fated. He shall not cross the age of the age of 18. His mate shall bring him death and nothing more. Protect him from - "

I couldn't hear her any more. Her voice became distant. I felt like everything around me was fading. My baby, his mate was going to hurt him. How was I going to keep him away from his mate, no I would keep him away for that dangerous thing. I will protect him

I then felt myself being pulled out of the dream like thing and woke up in addams arms. I looked at his teared stained eye. He looked relieved. He hugged me harder and spoke while sniffling
"we thought we lost you. We really did"
I looked at him and smiled. I was tired, cause It took a lot of effort to smile and I mean it my body felt completely sore.
All of a sudden I touched my stomach and noticed that my baby bump wasn't there anymore. I began to panic and looked up at addam afraid of what he might say.
"we have two boys my love. And They were already competing for the alpha position in your tummy." he said his eyes sparkling and a smile creeping onto his perfect lips.
"where are they?" I asked.
A nurse walked in with two blue bundled babies. She brought them and laid them on my lap. They looked adorable, and resembled addam a lot.

"Filtiarn the lord of wolves and Owein the noble wolf."
I looked down at my sons who were a replica of their father. They were my angels. And I would keep them happy and safe. I looked up to addam and spoke.
"I saw a vision. One in which I saw all, four of us. We were happy. But..." my voice broke.
The tears began rolling down and I whispered "one of the s going to die as a teenager, addam, one of their mates is going to kill them. How can I protect them from their soul mate, they always cross paths its inevitable.

Addams face was grim. He looked sad broken. He sat next to the three of us and spoke "we will keep them safe. I promise you, if we have to keep them away from their mates we will." he said this while making a fist.

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