The Worlds Not Perfect

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Andres pov
My life wasn't what I had always hoped for. As a little pup I wanted to shift, meet my wolf, find my mate and fall in love with him, stay as the gamma of the pack support both lucifer and addam. I wanted to grow old with my mate have kids and look after them.

I wanted to be a perfect mother and mate. We've all had dreams, haven't we? But not all of us are lucky enough to make them come true..

Life seems to be against when I wanted to shift into a were wolf it turns me into a witch, a lone witch at that.. I haven't joined a coven nor do I have any friends who are witches. I have a mate an alpha who ignores me and hasn't rejected me yet, why I don't know.

He behaves like I'm the only one effected by the mate bond and maybe it's true. I don't blame him for being disappointed in me after all I was a disappointment to my self. Maybe, just maybe there was a way he would notice me.

Letting out a sigh I walked towards the pack house. I had been so frustrated after the canteen incident. You can't blame me Jess was getting on my nerves and Cole ignoring me wasn't helping. I envied Clove. She had no idea how lucky she was. Like she had addam and they looked so happy..

Come on 'Andre! Stop brooding. Put up a smile. And walk in like you own the place.'

I walked in an bumped into Caden. He looked surprised but smiled any way. I kept walking until I felt something burn within me. I fell onto the floor as my legs gave away. It hurt. I whimpered. It felt like I had stabbed myself. I crawled unable to stand and was pretty close to the stairs, that's when I saw it.

Caden was making out with the girl who was now gamma, she was my replacement for my position as gamma and now..

"I pity you Andre.. Must be horrifying to find the one destined to be with you with someone else. Have you tried casting a spell on him. You can't change yourself and it's time you start putting your witchy abilities to use. Change the way he envisions you.

"said a high pitched voice. I slowly turned around to find Jess looking straight at me dead in the eyes. She looked serious.. Maybe I could give it a try but how?

" you know maybe this can help you. " she dropped a book down since I was still on the floor and walked off. I took it a little to eagerly . The title read.
"a witches trade mark"

I flipped it open to find it empty. I brushed my hand over the page that's when I felt my hand sting.
'ouch!,' I hissed making Cole and the female he had wrapped his arms around look my way.
'are you OK?' said the girl but my eyes were watching Cole. He looked bored. Not an ounce of guilt, sadness or pain flickered in his eyes. They just looked bored.

Saying that I was hurt was an understatement. I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. My hands and legs were numb. I can't do this anymore..

I picked the book up and tried to stand and walk away but I was limping. I wanted Cole to follow me begg for my forgiveness say that it was a mistake but he never came.

I limped into my room and crashed on my bed with the book sprawled on it. That's when I noticed my hand was bleeding and there was some blood on the book. Pulling it towards me so that I could wipe off the blood that's when I saw it. Love potion.

It was the answer to my difficulties.i just had to create it. I looked at the ingredients.
Okay.. So I need a few drops of human blood, vervain, a pinch of rose water and a witches tears.

Well my eyes were watering. So I collected my tear drop in a tiny bottle. Human blood, should I use Clove's blood, I mean she is a hybrid but she hasn't shifted yet and right now she is human. Vervain.

Oh wait I remember mom keeping a pouch filled with vervain. She used to keep it in her dresser. I left my room but made sure I locked it before leaving and walked towards mom's room. I sneaked in and grabbed her box of vervain.

She kept it with her at all times after the attack by vampires and witches. Wolves bane aye? That was the last thing I required. Caden. He is beta so he will obviously know where I can find some. I made my way down the stairs excited.

If this works maybe me and Cole can love each other! This brought a smile to my face but it was wiped out when the girl who had been snogging Cole stood in front of me holding Few glass bottles.

She looked like it was going to hurt her. Was I really this lucky..
'is that wolves bane' I questioned.
"yeah, addam told me to give this to Caden" she answered.
"oh, don't worry I'll do it for you, after all I am no longer a wolf so it can't harm me" I said snatching them away from her.
"I was a gamma. I know what to do. And I am the alphas sister I don't think he would mind me lending a hand." I snapped.

She nodded and fled
I took one of the bottles to my room and delivered the rest. Now, I needed Clove's blood. I walked towards the drawing room and found clove and addam looking lost in thought. Maybe their mindlinking each other. I was jealous of them. They reminded me that Cole and I were supposed to be like that.

"did you miss me" I said with a sly smirk. I heard that tonight Clove was going to be introduced as the Luna officially. Which means all the alphas including Cole were going to be there.

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