Welcome To The Pack

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The pack was huge.. When I mean huge it was enormous. And beautiful. Their were pine trees surrounding the large piece of land it was beautiful. We passed by many people or should I say wolves.

They looked so.. Normal. No one would guess they weren't human. I can't believe that I adapted to the fact that werewolves lived among humans and I was in love with one this quickly. Addam tugged on my arm and pulled me up a flight of stairs leading to a pair of doors. Addam swang them open and we were soon in a foyer. That's when I saw the Murphys.

Mrs Murphy rushed towards me and enveloped me in a hug
"oh honey how are you feeling.. I'm so sorry I wasn't at the hospital when you woke up there have been frequent attacks by the rouges and as the former Luna and alpha we had to stay back.." she sincerely spoke and looked really apologetic.

"it okay.. I understand, with great power comes great responsibility.. All that matters now is that your here" I smiled.
"well let's celebrate then! Our pack has received their Luna! Let's invite all the packs and party!" exclaimed Mr Murphy excitedly.

"oh no it's alright me. Murphy." I said nervous about having a party.
"now clo you can call us mom and dad. Your addams mate and he is our son and hence your our daughter. Oh how iv always wanted a daughter, I wanted to take her shopping.. We can do so many things together!" mom/Mrs Murphy exclaimed.

"I would love to mom!!!" I exclaimed equally excited.
"welcom Luna! I'm caden, your beta welcome to the pack!"said a blonde guy who was had a lot of ear  piercings.
" hello caden.. I'm clove"i  replied with a gentle smile.
"I know.. Alpha keeps talking about you" he said smirking at addam who was blushing. I smiled pleased with the fact that he was as crazy about me as I was about him.

"hello Luna I'm the Ava the gamma of the pack. It's nice to finally meet you." she spoke formally but gave me a smile that reached her eyes. Ava.. Wasn't she the girl Jess kept talking about.. Wasn't she the one who addam was supposed to be dating?

Wasn't that what Jess said. But the girl in front of me looked like she meant no ill will but... Well I guess I am just jealous. I gave her a nodd because I really didn't trust my smile..

By the afternoon addam had introduced me to the entire pack, they were lovely people who showed me a lot of respect. Addam and I were heading towards his office that's when I noticed a picture of lucifer, Jess and Andre.

They looked happy but why was it here, were they apart of the pack? But they were nt werewolves..
'they once were' addam mind linked me. He sounded sad.

So I tried comforting him with my hand giving his arm a squeeze.
'we were 15 and Andre was 14.. We hadn't even shifted. That's when the pack was attacked by a coven of witches and vampires. We lost a lot of people that day.

Andre lost her parents love  and her wolf because of a curse.. She then realized that she had abilities of a witch. So she decided to leave the pack and has been closed of ever since. Every once in a while she leaves for a few weeks or so to God knows where and returns.. '

The thought of Andre leaving made my heart Break. I felt pity for her she had no one and now even her mate was ignoring her.. I wish I could help her but I didn't know how.

' all we can do is put up a smile and stay strong.. Maybe Cole will come around..'
I whipped my head towards addams face and he gave me a sad smile.
How the hell does he know about Cole?

'you didn't actually think I wouldn't keep a watch on my sister did you.. I have kept tabs on her every move.i would have broken coles nose if he don't have a good reason for ignoring her.. His mom was killed by a witch..'
"oh!" I let out

Well I wonder if Andre knew this. Addam soon took me to my room.. It was different from the house I had first lived in. This was the pack house and they had a room for their alpha and Luna in it.

But we were going to stay at home that is the previous house we had lived in and would be attending school.. Gee I had forgotten about school.. It had been a week since I had last attended. Addam said that the principal was a werewolf too so their was nothing to worry about and also said that the human students believe that we were down with a flew

"oh do get dressed love. We have a party this evening. And alphas of other pack will be attending"
"ohh ok.."

A Celebration aye? I had to make a great impression then but Andre wasn't around.. So what was I going to do..
"miss me" said a voice from behind.
I looked at the person and guess who it was..

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