I'm Always Broken Hearted

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Andres pov.
I woke up drenched in my sweat panting. It had been a week since I had left the pack. Zayn and I had become very comfortable with each other. He was the only person who actually cared for me, my family pretty much locked me in a cellar.
I pulled myself out of the white  sheets and made my way to the bathroom. I had dreamt something absurd. I had seen myself shift from a human to a wolf. Which was impossible. I had lost my wolf before my first shift.
'no, you didn't.. Don't be silly..' said a voice in my head. I must be loosing it. Before I could process any thing I heard a knock on my door.

I walked towards it and opened it. There stood Cole, my mate in all his glory. He was sweating and panting still trying to catch his breath. And yet he looked like a Greek God. I looked into his eyes mesmerized by his unannounced arrival. I had truly missed him. But, then it occurred to me, he was the one who put me in that cell.

Anger bubbled with in me. How dare he show his face again I was about to shut the door closed he spoke.
"you have to leave Ann, Theyr looking for you. They'll kill you if they do find you. You have to leave. "
His words caught my attention.
"what?" I said surprised.
"Clove's pregnant.. A witch appeared and announced that you and your child will be the end of them.. Addam has taken it seriously. Theyr looking for you.. Wait what do you smell like a wolf?!" he exclaimed.
"uh- what do you mean?" I questioned
"your going to have to go through your first shift Ann.." said zayn from behind me. I whipped my head around.
"what? But I lost my wolf-" before I could complete my sentence cole spoke.
"who are yw! And why are you in her room?"
" well I'm her boyfriend if  you must know."
"what do you mean boyfriend. I'm her mate. And how dare you get into a relationship with someone who is not your mate Andre" he said clearly pissed off.
"last time I checked my mate was about to mark a another female right before my eyes. So, don't you dare use the mate line on me"
"I'm sorry" he said casting his eyes down.
"I think we should all sit down and talk about whatever is going on."
Both of them agreed.

So that's how I got to know that my brother, addam was hunting me down because he believed the words of an old witch. Lucifer hadn't said a word about it to him. How could he, he knew how it felt to lose your mate and your pup. I was going to shift for the first time and I might have to go through heat. Right now I realized that maybe I had been falling for zayn but Cole was back and he said he wanted me.

Ugh. Life couldn't get better..
The boys began to argue over something but I just zoned out. I was being hunted. Would I and my child, if I ever one be the end of Clove and her child, of the pack. Should I hand myself over?

I felt something stirring in my head and the darkness slowly took over. When I woke up I heard Cole and zayn on either side of me trying to comfort me.
"what happened?" I asked stretching my arms.
"I think you're going to shift tonight. It's also the first full moon."
What. Wait. Did I just hear shift tonight.
"what's the time.?!" it's around 6 pm. We should leave for the woods. Carry an extra pair of clothing. "said Cole. He looked excited. But I just shivered. This was going to be way more painful than the usual shift. It was 2 years after the usual shifting period.

We walked for quite some time and had finally reached the woods. I felt drowsy. My back was going numb. All of a sudden I felt my bones break.
"please, make it stop" I cried. Cole and zayn looked skeptical. I could feel my nails turn into claws and within a few minutes the pain was gone but the numbness was still there.
'finally I got to meet you! Hey Ann I'm lizzy your wolf.'
Oh.. I thought you left me..
'no silly iv always been there. But I couldn't contact you'
After this I felt lizzy take control we were running through the forest. I felt free and wild. That's when I saw the brown wolf. He was huge probably an alpha and he was my mate. Right , that was Cole.

He came forward and liked my ear. My wolf purred. Our wolves began playing around and I felt like I was loosing control over my wolf. She was all over Cole and I couldn't do anything but watch everything unfold.
The next morning I woke up all alone under a tree in my human form. I stood and looked for walked around. I could smell Cole. I followed his scent and there he was kissing ava.

I couldn't take it any more and took of. I found zayn at the entrance of the hotel. I walked towards him and buried my head in his chest and let out a sobb. After a few seconds I looked into his eyes and said
"take me to a place where they will never find me"
He looked at me and nodded. And just like that I knew that I had gotten my heart broken for the millionth time by the same man.

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