Deaths Hunting Me

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Clove's POV (flashback)
Ever feel like you know your deaths comming soon? That's exactly how I've been feeling lately. It all started with the nightmares. I saw myself being hunted by my old pack mates. And it was true since I had my brother taling my every move.
I really don't mind dying but I can't leave my baby all alone in this world. I wanted her to live a good life, nothing like mine. I felt hollow within my heart even though it had almost been a year after I had rejected Cole, but the pain never lessened.

Every night, once Maya was asleep I would sit under the moonlight basking in sorrow and loneliness.. My powers were fading and I had a felling that so was my lifeline. At times I felt an unknown pain in my chest, I guess Cole had mated with someone else. His name was like poison. It made me want to cry, roll into a ball in the corner and die.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Zayns presence. And then there was Zayn, standing beside me in the center of all this chaos. He had been my pillar of support and was the only reassurance, that even if I did leave, he would look after my Maya like his own. At least that put me at ease.

Cutting my thoughts off I turned around to face zayn but was greeted by another familiar face. Jules. Addams beta. He growled at us. I was strong enough to fend for myself but I had Maya in my arms. Fear seemed to spike within me, I silently prayed to the moon goddess.

And she must have heard my silent plees because my savior appeared before me. My brother, lucifer, stood right in front of me in all his glory. His eyes were stone cold at first but then began to soften. His body stiffened when he realized Jules was there with us.

"back off Jules" he said venom dripping from each word. Eventhough lucifer had lost his wolf his aura of authority never left him. I guess that was the alpha blood in him talking. Jules seemed to shrink back slowly dissappearing into the woods.

He let out a huff and turned to me but zayn moved in front of me with a protective stance. Lucifer stood their like a statue anaylising the situation. Maya let out a cry and I began to rock her gently. She soon stopped crying and began giggling. My brother seemed to be focusing on my sweetheart held in my arms. I walked around Zayn towards him. His eyes seemed to light up.

"Maya, meet your uncle, lucifer"
(end of flash back) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It really was good bye this time wasn't it. I could feel my chest burning as Jules dug his hand deeper into my chest reaching for my heart. It stung but it was nothing compared to what I had been going through for the past year.
Numbness began taking over my body. And I wasn't fighting anymore.

The pain I had been bottling up was let out. I felt light. Free. As I felt my eyes roll back I began to drift away. I saw myself on my fifth birthday. It was one of my earliest memories. Mum had always said that I had hit my head while playing around and had lost most of my memories but I knew better. One day I overheard lucifers conversation with my parents as I and addam played hide and seek.

I had hidden under daddy's desk because I knew that it would be the last place addam would suspect because the alphas office was off limits. I still remember how I thought I was going to loose the game when I heard them.

"Son, you are to become the future alpha so I believe that you must be informed about her... From me first..." my father spoke.
"Andre isn't your sister by blood.. Do you remember Zara and Aron?"
"you mean the pack warriors of the sun moon pack, didn't they die protecting their pack and pup? What does this have to do with Ann?"

"they're her birth parents. After their death Ann was left for the rouges that's when you're mother found her. She was only three we decided to take her in."
Before they could continue lucifer stopped them.

"I know.. I've always known.. Even though you tried to make me forget I remember. But don't think that for a moment that this will change anything.. She is my sister. We, may not be related by blood but our hearts are built with the Same fire. I will still love her because she is my baby sis, my lil Ann "

On hearing my brothers words I felt my tears trickle down. I was hurt but happy too. We were family. Mum, dad, addam, lucifer, me and the pack.

My surroundings began to shimmer away like fairy dust. I then saw little Jess, Ava, Sammy(lucifers mate) sitting around a candle lit table. I looked about thirteen since Sammy looked like she was sixteen.

"oh my God Sammy your the future Luna! And not to mention that lucifers your mate. You're only lucky wolf." whispered Jess in awe. Sammy smiled blushing like a tomato.

"Ann, how do picture your mate?" ava popped in.
As soon as she said that I looked at Cole laughing at something his beta said..
"oooo someone's already got her eyes on someone.. Cole aye? He's handsome and strong" giggled ava.

She said his name dreamily and I have no idea why I growled but everyone snapped their attention towards me and smiled.
"woo Missy, he's all yours!" ava said raising her hands in a form of surrender.

I smiled and looked his way but couldn't find him anymore. I must have frowned but that was replaced with a smile creeping onto my face because of the person behind me. Cole bent down to my height and positioned his head close to my ear.

Inhaling deeply he said "you look gorgeous Ann, beautiful.. I truly am jealous of your mate. If I were him I would never let you leave my side for you are an angel. Beautiful inside out. A heart of gold. Beautiful" he whispered and pulled back.

Then everything seemed to disappear around me again. I didn't want it to end but it did. I was soon standing in front of Clove who hid herself behind addam. She looked so shy yet confident. She was beautiful. And I knew, that she was addams mate because of the powerful aura she was giving off.. Of course she had a powerful aura, she was a hybrid and an alphas mate.

She would make a perfect Luna. I walked forward and hugged her. I felt like I was reunited with an old friend. I can't seem to make out what I said since everything was fading away but it brought a smile to her face.

I felt lighter as each moment passed by and that's when I saw my baby. My Maya. She was an angel. The reason for me being alive. The one who gave me courage and strength. I didn't want to leave her but I knew that I no longer had a choice. At least I was sure she would be loved and protected by zayn and lucifer. She would live a good life like a normal child, without having to run at every nook and corner. Once I leave she will no longer be hunted by destruction and death for I hope to take it with me..

I felt my self being lifted into the air. Soon I stood in front of a flight of white sparkling stairs. I just looked forward looking for a sigh that's when she appeared before me. Tall, beautiful and slender. The definition of beauty and grace one could say. She spoke in a celestial voice
"you have done well my child. Now come. Follow me and I will set you free of your misery. You have suffered too long.. Follow the stairs. Beyond then lie a place for you and all my other children.. I am proud of you my dear you have stayed strong throughout your journey of life"
With that she vanished without a trace. I moved forward and placed a foot on the first step I immediately felt lighter.. I had a feeling that I was losing my memories but that didn't seem to stop me as I kept walking ahead. Standing one step away from the gates the image of a young handsome man flashed before me. He was a good man but he made me feel sad. I felt a sudden pang in my chest unaware of the reason why I felt so broken at the sight of such an angel. I did not know what happened but I was speaking from my heart...
"Though your love was shallow I managed to Drown"

Though your love was shallow I managed to drownWhere stories live. Discover now