When You Lose Your Girl

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Zayns pov
It had been growing dark outside . Lucifer was still holding on to Maya. How was Andre? Was she OK? She was strong I'm sure she would be okay. But deep down I knew that she was gone as I felt a sense of loss seep into my bones. My chest felt hollow, lucifer hadn't said a word and Maya 's eyes kept watering, as though she felt the loss of her mother.

"we should leave" I whispered
The guy just nodded. He placed Maya in my arms and pushed the door open. And got out. He looked frozen at the sight ahead of him. And I felt afraid of what it must've been.

Placing Maya back in his arms I got out only to be welcomed by a puddle of blood. I followed the trail of blood and sniffed it. It was Andres. My eyes began filling up. I failed yet again. All I had to do was protect her. And I couldn't do that.

The days we spent together began to flash before me.
'oooo! Dear this baby is always hungry, zayn I'm craving  some Mac and cheese' she wined. She was in a light blue night dress, it highlighted her lips.
'yeah right, don't blame the poor thing for her mama's increase in appetite. I'll make you some but under one condition.' I said mischievously
'I'll do anything, I want Mac and cheese and that's final' she was stubborn but i found it adorable.
'if I ever come across"the one who must not be named(Cole) " I need you to grant me the rights the kick his ass"
"sure" she replied with a smile but it didn't reach her eyes. He was still a sore memory.. I really do hate him. I had feelings for Ann and I won't deny it but she's still hurting because of her mate.
Then I say her, before me alive and laughing. She was in a meadow and had her palm placed on her baby bump. She kept smiling,
'I can feel her kicking me Zay, she's quite the firecracker"

Then I saw her in the labor room. Crying out of pain as I held her hand. She seemed to be in pain but once she laid eyes on the little bundle held within the nurses arm she smiled raising her arms and holding the little thing close to her heart. She uttered the words with a sparkle in her eyes 'Maya'...
'Why Maya? ' I asked.
'she will be great just like her name.. Maya'

I looked at Maya with a promising look in my eyes. I had failed to keep her mother safe but I will full fill her last wish. I brought my hand and enclosed her little one with in mine and chanted a protection bond. If she were to hurt herself it would effect me and not her and if I was hur it still wouldn't hurt her. It was a banned spell as it was supposed to be life threatening but at this point it didn't matter.
I felt my nose begin to bleed, lucifer must have sensed it. He whipped Maya away from my reach. Looking almost like a protective father would .

That's when it struck me. How was I supposed to explain all this to Maya when she's older. How am I supposed to keep her away from her soul mate. Ignoring the bond had killed many and her mom too, had become a victim. How would Cole feel if he realized that he had a daughter and his mate was dead.

"don't worry, I will look after her, keep her away from my nephews. I will protect her like my own" lucifer whispered. He continued "Jess will be arriving in a moment now, she was a good friend of Andre... We will pretend that Maya is mine and Jess 's  daughter and you are her distant brother.." he stated leaving no room for an argument.

The moments ticked by without any notice. We stood their rooted to our spots. Until we heard a scream. It was an unfamiliar sound but obviously it belonged to a woman. Her cry had gotten Lucifer's attention. He sprung towards the direction it came from, Maya still in his arms. Not wanting to be left behind I followed him. That's when I saw her.

There layed Andre in a pool of crimson red liquid. Her eyes open but void of any life.

As I steeped around I saw the whole in her chest. Her brother really did order his gamma for her heart... How could he? He was her brother. I remember how Ann used to look up to him and lucifer. She was proud of them and loved them like no other. But what changed? Was it his mate. Was he so blind that he decided to have his sister murdered in cold blood. And for what, some witches words?!!

I  felt my eyes swell with tears. Maya, at that moment began to cry. I looked at her and noticed Lucifer's eyes turning red, he was hurt too his vampire side was taking over. Glancing at the woman crouching beside my dead love.. I noticed her chanting. It was a spell for releasing the soul. She was letting her soul free. I watched with my jaw clenched controlling my whimpers and unheard screams.
I will look after Maya. I swear upon my life that I will. I will treat her like my daughter for she is the angle born from my love.. It was a promise, one that I would keep.

The girl who had been crouching beside Ann brought out a tiny knife. Before I knew it I flung her body away from Ann's still one. How dare she try and harm Ann. I let my genie aura release itself  I could feel my pupils dilate, they had probably turned dark blue. I was loosing control, and Ann's still body made me feel like taking revenge.

I slowly began to make my way towards the girl with the knife but lucifer blocked my view . I came close to him and hiss in warning but I stop when I heard a huff giggle. Looking down I looked at Maya. She looked worried and had brought her eyebrows together with a frown set at her. There was a speck of blood on her pink cheek. She looked so much like her mother. I gave her a gentle smile and brought my thumb towards the drop of blood, to wipe it off but she raised her tiny palm and wraps it around my thumb and giggled. My heart softened. I will give my life for you my baby.

Though your love was shallow I managed to drownWhere stories live. Discover now