Witches With Broken Hearts

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"ugh I give up.. Look Clove I think I found my mate..." whispered Andre.
"well isn't that a good thing?" I asked a little confused.

"no it's not cause he's ignoring me and still hasn't aknowledge the fact that I am his mate.. You see its a little different when it comes to witches" she sighed and continued"for a werewolf.. OK let me explain it this way, addam, he was supposed to find his mate, I mean you the moment he turned 16...but he dint until he was 17..you see not everyone is blessed to meet their mates, it goes for all supernatural species as well as humans. We all have another half some one who was born to love you.. But it's not necessary that we meet. It's easier for were wolves I would say because their wolf gets this feeling that their mate would arrive and they wait for them while others know that they won't meet them in this life time so they continue living their lives but they obviously lose apart of themselves... And then there are others who.. Reject their mates either because they already have a family, has marked another person or just doesn't like the idea of u being their mate... " her voice held so much emotion but her face was grim.

" for witches.. We.. Exchange our life lines... "she spoke quietly almost to herself.
" wha-"

" so when a witch is born our life line is bottled up.. We keep it to ourselves for safekeeping. But once we meet our mates we hand it over to them for safe keeping and they usually gaurd it with their lives those of us who... Get rejected.. Umm.. We pour our life lines into a river and we vanish. After all a witch without a mate is an abomination.. And the witches who tried to live on after getting rejected were murdered... "

I dint know what to say. My heart felt heavy.. I felt sadness overtake me.
" don't worry about me clo! You've got a lot on your plate already.. Look I'm not sure if your brother is my mate.. Maybe I'm just making assumptions.. "
I looked at her and she gave me a sad smile.

"I'll talk to cole-"

"No you won't.. Please I'm begging you don't tell anyone this, I might be wrong.. Please let me handle this clo.. I promise I'll be fine and your brother is a good guy he wouldn't ignore me if he was my mate"
"ok.. I won't but if he says anything mean I'll give him a punch in his gutt" I said seriously.
"sure" she rolled her eyes.

We went to the canteen and ordered some food. Man was I hungry.. Like I could eat an elephant. The boys joined us  at our table. Addam sat beside me and Cole was forced to sit beside Andre. There was a lot of tension between them.. I could feel it.. Like I could cut it with a knife... They were sitting at each end of the trying to make as much of a distance between them. I was concerned for them and I think addam sensed that.

He looked at me like he was trying to figure me out he then twirled a strand of my hair around his finger while doing this it brushed against my ear. Jesus! I had shivers running down my spine...
I'm sooo lucky to have addam as my mate he was perfect.like he was Greek God kind of perfect.

'what are you thinking about beautiful?'
Am I going crazy or what. Maybe it was addams effects on me. Yeah probably
Your not crazy beautiful.. I have an effect on you aye? And exactly what do I do?
Holy cow! I snapped my head towards addam and he lifted an ebrow. Then he burst out laughing...

"clo, that's called mind link. It's something we were wolves can do. I am an alpha so I can speak to you through your mind and you are my mate so everyone in our pack will be able to communicate with you this way" he explained

"so can you do it too Cole?"
'yeah. I can mindlink you since your family and alphas, betas, gammas my pack members.. Alphas have the ability to mind link anyone.'

"wow this is creepy as shit.. You guys can use your mouth to communicate with me no mind link business.."
"everyone laughed except Andre she just smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

" well look who it is"came an unknown voice that belonged to lucifers bitch Jess or something. Andre looked pissed. She then spoke in a language I dint understand at all
"Quid ergo vis bitch" snapped Andre
"Im 'etiam non inutilis saltem unus" she snaked.

By the look on her face I think she said something very mean because the expression Andre wore yelled out shame, sadness and anger. Maybe she hit a nerve.

I looked at addam and he too looked confused and concerned. While Cole just looked away with his fists clenched. I don't think he understood what they were saying either but obviously it was effecting him.

Maybe he was Andres mate. Was he going to reject her. I couldn't imagine her pain. I suddenly pictured addam rejecting me. And I was terrified. As if sensing my pain addam slid an arm around my waist and my muscles instantly relaxed under his grip.

"Nolite huius ineptias" boomed a voice. Oh it belonged to the one and only lucifer.

Andre looked like she was restraining from slitting his throat open but replied
"Ad hoc infernum. Im 'non vultus pro me ad relinquens alii quoque .." she said as she stormed out of her seat  with lucifer giving her a concerned look but before she left she chanted some thing.

I dint understand what she said at all until lucifer burst out laughing and Jess looked confused but once I got a look at her face I too joined in and slowly the whole table was in tears because of laughing that hard

Jess was oblivious to what was going on until she caught sight of her reflection. She screamed and fled to God knows where. She literally looked like a pig.. But it was undeniable that naturally she was beautiful, but she was wayy to mean and bitchy.
"so where did Andre go?" asked cole
"she said she was leaving and that none of us should follow her.. She'll be back in a few days she does this a lot" lucifer answered but seemed suspicious about coles sudden curiosity.
"is there something I should know" he questioned cole again.
"nope" he replied way too quickly.
Lucifer had this calculative look on his face but said no more.
It was undeniable how good looking these men were. But obviously addam was the best. At least to me he was. From an outsiders Pont of veiw addam would have been the cool, hott jock while lucifer was the cold, mysterious bad boy and Cole was quite the looker too he pretty much looked like a prince from a fairy tail..

Andre too was pretty, graceful with her features.Jess too looked like a super model and had a high pitched voice they both could be the queen bees of any high school.. I was the black sheep... Was Addam disappointed when he realized I was his mate.

'never think like that. You were the best thing that happened to me. You are beautiful, kind, free spirited, gorgeous,humble, my mate, an angel sent to me, my home my everything. You are the love of my life and are more than what I wished for.

I wouldn't trade the world for every second we spend together. I will protect you because you are my life.. My reason for living.. My drug that keeps me sane. SO NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF. you are perfect the way you are and no one can change that'

His words touched me. Like I was soo happy to hear what he said. I leaned in and kissed him.
"get a room people" lucifer mumbled.
When we broke away I noticed that Cole looked distant. Lost in thought. His features had settled with a longing expression.

His eyes sad, empty.
"come on love, I will introduce you to the pack today" whispered addam into my ear.

Though your love was shallow I managed to drownWhere stories live. Discover now