You Were Always Out Of My Reach

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Andres pov
Getting Clove's blood would be easy. But I was still doubtful about it. She could still be counted as a human cause she hasn't shifted yet and obviously she hasn't  inherited any vampire abilities either, or so I thought.

"so Andre, where were you?" she asked me curiously.
"you know here and there.." well obviously I couldn't tell her the truth but I wasn't exactly lying either.
"so, do you want to dress up dark or light today.?" I questioned
"well, honestly anything will do.. As long as addam likes it"with a smile slipping onto her face.

Ugh. Look at her being all sweet and happy. Why was life so easy for her. Why couldn't the goddess give me a good life to?letting out a sign

We walked towards my bedroom. Shittttttt. I internally cursed. The book and the potion were lying on my bed. I looked at Clove trying to come up with an excuse.

"Clove could you give me a second please, I really need to clean my room up." I said pleading for her to agree.
"why, it's nothing I wouldn't have seen before we are girls after all."
"look, it's a gift for Cole. So-" I felt really guilty for keeping her in the dark.

Honestly I wanted to roll into a ball and cry and tell her about what I saw.
"Chill I was kidding, go ahead."she turned around from the door and looked towards the opposite direction. Phew!. I quickly slipped in and hid everything away.

" come on in Clove! "I yelled.
She pushed the door partially open and slipped in. We began going through the
All the party wears I owned and I did own quite a lot of them.
In the end Clove picked

And decided to let her hair down

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And decided to let her hair down. She looked beautiful.
" thanks"she said.

Did I just say that aloud. Yeah, probably.
I gave her a charming smile and got dressed myself and managed to pull of an elegant look.

I walked towards clove with a nail filer

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I walked towards clove with a nail filer.
" come on clo! I'll file your nails"

I did file her nails well. But I needed her blood. Even a drop would do. So I gently ran the blade of the filer against her finger.
"ouch!" she whimpered.
"Omg I'm sooo sorry." it was bleeding out a little.

I rushed to my cabinet and brought a piece of cotton. Luckily the price was way to tiny to absorb all the blood  so I just had to give it a squeeze any the blood would drop out. I quickly took it to and placed it on my shelf and brought a bandaid with me.

While wrapping it around her finger I apologized again. She had gone awfully quite.
"I'm sorry Clove"
"Andre, you wouldn't intentionally hurt me would you?"

I was taken back. Before I could answer that there was a loud banging on the door and I began to panic. What if I was caught. The banging got louder.
"let me in or I'll break this door." it was Addam. Shit.

I opened the door and he took no time to barge in and rush towards Clove. Are you okay? Were you hurt. I head you whimper.

How I longed to feel loved just like Clove. Sure after I turned into a witch my parents dint turn on me but I knew that our connection has weakened. By the time I found my mate he was ignoring me.

My brother addam and I had an understanding between us, but it was nothing like before. I would say that lucifer was the only one I had right now.
I completely forgot that Clove and addam were right here they seemed to be in a serious conversation.

And in the end Clove was clearly dragged to the pack hospital event hough she told addam she was perfectly fine.
After their departure I pulled out the potion and laid it on the ground and squeezed Clove's blood. The potion had turned from blue to blood red. I chanted the last few words and it lost it colour immediately and could be mistaken for water.

I felt like I was doing something wrong but then I remembered that I was doing it for Cole.
I slipped the tiny bottle with the potion into my purse and headed out.

The pack looked beautiful and was decorated with white roses. It was supposed to represent the moon goddess .

As I walked I saw my Cole looking stunning as ever but he was looking at ava or should I say my replacement.
He was laughing at something she said. I looked for a waiter that's when a little omega girl came out with a few glasses. I stopped her and poured the potion into one of the glasses.

I then orders her to give that specific glasses to Cole. Everything was going as planned Cole had the glass in his hand but It didn't last since ava grabbed it from his hand and chugged it down completely. Horrified was an understatement. I dint know what to do.

Ava looked she was in a trance and suddenly walked away from Cole leaving him puzzled. She then walked straight to addam. She stood in front of him and gave him a shy smile completely ignoring Clove.

Addam must have tried saying something but she cut him off by locking her lips with his and had her arms wrapped around his neck. Clove let out a whimper, she does that a lot lately. And the tears began to fall. Addam then pushed her away roughly and that's when I felt something in me change. I dropped my purse and ran into the bathroom.

Looking at my reflection I noticed that my nose had started bleeding and my brown hair was turning a light blonde, almost white . This was a sign of magic. A witches mark.

That's when I heard the door being banged open with Cole walking in concerned

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That's when I heard the door being banged open with Cole walking in concerned. The moment he saw me he took a step back like he was afraid
The first words my mate directly said to me were

"what have you become" without hiding the disgust and dread.
I knew at that moment, death was something I really wished for.

Though your love was shallow I managed to drownWhere stories live. Discover now