Iv Never Felt This Free

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Clove pov~~
"Cole where are we going we have class"
"we're ditching school, come on," he said pulling me out of the school doors
"but it's my first day!!" I whine
"ok then you can go back sis I'll just go on a drive all alone"
"hey that's not fair you can't put it like that I feel like a meanie. I'll join you Co."

He smiled and walked away from school with me following him. We kept walking until we reached a treehouse.
"come on clo! Hurry up!" he yelled as he climbed up the ladder. I did the same following him.

In a few seconds, we were in the treehouse that's when I was hit by a migraine. All of a sudden I saw a crown. A king. A boy with brown hair and a beautiful woman with a baby in her arms. Then I saw a witch. A vampire. A wolf.

A girl from the 80s or something.
Soon I was brought back to the present feeling normal again.
Cole looked at me with concern but I brushed it off with a smile. We then started talking about cars, history, music and I have to say being around Cole made me feel safe and I felt like he was my brother so I never questioned him when he said sis instead of my name. He was the second person to actually interact with me unlike Addam, wait or should l say Addy and lucifer.

It was11:45 when Cole decided that we should head back to school and so we did luckily we made it in time for lunch.
On entering the cafeteria I was engulfed in a bear hug by Andre. She asked me if I wanted to join her for lunch but I declined it since I had plans with Cole. After lunch, everything else went pretty cool no drama at least.

I had told Andre that I would meet her at the parking lot. Cole had made me agree to have him walk me to her car and then leave.

We said our goodbyes and I sat in the passenger seat as Andre started the car.
"so you and Cole huh," she said out of the blue. I could see a hint of jealousy in her tone.
"we're friends that's all" I confirmed hoping she would get the hint that WE WERE FRIENDS AND NOTHING MORE. But she said nothing and continued driving

When we reached home I realized everyone was there seated around the drawing-room. As I made my way through I heard Mr Murphy call me
"Clove dear come and join us.."
"We have to say something, it's important that you should know," said Addam
"let's cut to the chase I ain't got all day," said lucifer
"umm. OK," I said while taking a seat on the bean bag.
"so you have to understand that we are doing what we though-"
"look you're a hybrid, Addy here along with Mr And Mrs Murphy are werewolves and lucifer is a vampire as I am and Andre here is a little witch, ooh and Cole is an alpha just like addam. " said the bitch Jessica said which earned her a lot of glares from the family.

"what! You were gonna say the same thing I was just being straight forward and not beating around the bush." she defended herself.
"I think you should leave Jess," said addam.
"come, Addy, don't be like this," she whined.
"leave right now or I'll kick you out" warned lucifer

She then glared at me and left. I looked at the concern faces around me. And started laughing hysterical.
"yeah       , you guys almost caught me!" I laughed out.
"we're serious clo," said Andre who had been quiet throughout all this.

They looked serious.. "what's a hybrid?"
Addam looked up and spoke "your half werewolf and vamp"
Wow. Matters couldn't get worse.
What?! He has to be joking. I can't take this anymore. I stood up and walked away from them towards the stars and stumbled into my room. I fell on the bed.

They took my family I never knew, from me.
They took my smile from me.
They took my dreams.
Now They're taking my humanity.
"What else do I have left for you to strip me of" I whisper.

As I spent each second dwelling on what they said everything started fitting together. The hell with it. These guys rare psychos I need to get out of here.

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