I Met You For A Reason

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Harry styles as ZaynAndre's pov

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Harry styles as Zayn
Andre's pov

Zayn had quite the humor as I kept
giggling at his jokes. Well I had never been this girly in my entire life that I found it pretty embarrassing. He was quite the looker too cause he did look like a model,wait since when have I started checking guys out.

I had a mate. Who didn't love me, he dispised me. Brushing my negative thoughts away. I followed zayn to the hotel
The hotel was huge. And beautiful. Zayn looked like he knew his way around the place quite well.

He then took me to a flight of stairs that seemed to be only for the VIPs.
"zayn we can't use these stairs.."
"we can..." he said, "come on" he pulled me by my arm and lead me to a balcony.. The sight ahead was beautiful. There was a beach ahead obviously it was a magical one but whatever.

The sight seemed to make me forget about all my pain. This was a  rare moment for me because all my life I haven't forgotten about my pain for a second. Zayn was effecting me in ways even I am unaware of..

"zayn, tell me more about yourself" I spoke while looking him in the eye.
"you haven't changed" he started with a smile "Ann what if I  said iv known you longer than you think..?"

"then I would ask you, 'why didn't you introduce yourself to me earlier!" I said kidding.
he looked surprised but chuckled.

"Ann I have roamed this world for eons.. I was born a long time ago, my purpose was to protect a beautiful girl. We are all born with a purpose and mine was to keep her safe, alive and happy. Even though I have always been with her from her birth, she could not see me. I used to watch her cry when she would fall, smile when she achieved her goals.the gleam in her eyes when she fell in love for the first time, the tears that trickled down her rosey cheeks when she was heartbroken.. I watched her, and slowly fell in love with her... "

The look in his eyes told me he truly did love her and still did. The way he spoke about her did make me jealous but somewhere instead of me I felt pure admiration... How I longed for someone to love me in the same way.

" where is she now? " I asked
" she died, no she was murdered" he looked vengeful all of a sudden. It did creep me out.
"but she's here again... With me.. This time I won't fail to protect her.. If I have to die protecting her so be it" the determination in his voice was strong. He truly did love this woman..
I smiled at him.

We were soon engaged in talking about movies, my life, actors and other things. Zayn seemed to know quite a lot of things about me. I did want to ask him about the girl he loved. Who was she? But since it was a touchy topic I let it slide.

We'd had a wonderful time and I dint know that the sun was about to set until zayn grabbed my hand and pulled me out, into the balcony. The sight was significant, all of a sudden I felt Zayn's
gaze on me.

He began to lower his face to mine. Omg what is happening. I have a mate. Luckily I was saved by the room service dude or whoever was knocking on the door.
"sir, ma'am is anyone there. This is room service." the woman yelled from behind the door.

Zayn pulled back embarrassed. He then walked towards the door and pulled it open and let the lady in. She looked familiar.
"have we met before ma'am?" I said. She looked soo familiar.
"ah, maybe you've met one of my six sisters.

They're pretty famous" she giggled then place a bottle of water, wine plates and for different varieties of dishes. Yum, they smelled amazing. I could feel my mouth water because of the exotic smell.
"so, what are you children doing here. You aren't run aways are you?" she raised her eyebrow while saying this

But continued "nonetheless, enjoy your stay!" she then dashed out of the room. Thats when I noticed that she had roller skates on
"weird" I mumbled
"well I'm going to leave.. I need to take a nap. My rooms just next door." he waved and left the room.

Well I'm just going to watch some TV. And guess what?! They had Netflix.
I began binge watching gossip girl. Like I loved bliar. She had an amazing character!
Just when the climax scene began the TV and all the lights in the room went off.

Look I'm a brave person and all, but I don't like the darkness.
Thunder boomed. Oh and I really don't like thunder or lighting. As I tried to stand up from the couch I felt my body shivering. It brought the memories of that night back. I shivered and tried walking but my legs gave out. I saw a shadow and I started hyperventilating.
I began to sobb. The memories all rushing in.

No. Lucifer. Where are you?
After the witches tortured me and let me go since I turned into one of them I had developed a habit of having panic attacks everytime I was alone in the dark. Usually lucifer would come to my rescue even though I had never spoken a word about this to anyone. He just seemed to know. I began trembling violently and crawled into the corner of the room. Some one make it stop, please.

As if answering my prayer zayn banged the door open and ran towards my shuddering body he then wrapped his arms around me and brought my head to his chest. I relaxed a little but not completely. He began whispering that I was gonna be alright. And soon I drifted into a peaceful slumber. I felt safe in his arms, comfortable.. It felt like home..

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