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Clove's POV
I woke up to a warm feeling. Someone had wrapped an arm around me. When I opened my eyes I found my self on a hospital bed. Adam was sitting beside me and had an arm around me.

"he hasn't left you since you arrived" said a voice.
I looked up and met Andres eyes. She looked worried.
"how are you feeling clo?"
" a little sore.. But I'm fine, what happened"
"there was an attack.. Cole warned us about it and said that you might be in danger. So addam looked for you. You were overwhelmed with what you saw that you passed out"
"the wolf.. Was that addam? "
"Yeah.. He hasn't left your side since yesterday nor has he eaten. We were all worried for the both of you."

I looked down and found a peaceful addam sleeping quietly still on the stool with his head on the hospital bed.
" where am I?"
"the pack hospital."she answered emotionless ly.

" Andre can you explain all of this to me. Your the closest friend iv got "
She looked pissed" well I don't know about you but friends don't leave each other and run away. "she snapped.
I looked down at my palms ashamed.
" it's OK... I forgive you Clove.. I know you must be confused af right now"she answered with a small smile.

"come on let's get you out of that hospital gown of yours cause it looks awful!!" she exclaimed and I giggled that was Andre for Ya!
We left the room and Andre picked some clothes for me

"come on let's get you out of that hospital gown of yours cause it looks awful!!" she exclaimed and I giggled that was Andre for Ya! We left the room and Andre picked some clothes for me

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Andre's outfit

We walked back in to the room to still find addam in the same position

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We walked back in to the room to still find addam in the same position.
," wake up lover boy!! Clove's awake,! "yelled Andre making me blush. It had a massive impact on addam though, he jerked his eyes open and was up.

Addam was dressed in a normal white shirt with a pair of blue jeans. But he he rocked the look alright. He looked like a model from a magazine!

He looked at me and r eyes locked together he made his way towards me and crashed his lips against mine. I felt sparks and fire works all over. I felt free, wild and special. I wouldn't trade the world for this moment.

But it was clearly disrupted by some one clearing their throat. I pulled away embarrassed and hid my face in addams chest.

"gee.. Took you long enough" said Andre gleefully.
"well I was worried about you but now I m not anymore, clearly your doing way better than ok" joked a familiar voice. I looked up to find Cole looking at me with a knowing smile.
"well she is my mate you have nothing to worry about. I know exactly how to look after my queen" grumbled addam with a hint of jealousy and irritation.
"well she is my sister.. I'm just looking out for her" replied Cole.

Andre wasn't being herself right now she was way too quiet. And had scooted far away from where she stood before away from Cole. I was going to ask her about that.

"Well, our father met my mom and had me but she had died in an attack.. Later father began loosing his sanity, he was physically fine and was always attending to alpha duties but his eyes spoke the truth he was broken beyond repair.. That was until he met elena, your mother.

She was a vampire but a good woman. They fell in love and had you. But we couldn't keep you since it was a crime for a vampire and a werewolf to stay together.. They killed our father and your mother, I became the alpha of the crystal moon pack at the age of 12 and kept searching for my little sister that my step mom had hidden away... I looked for you for years but then you came along yourself..

I'm sorry clo, if I could have gotten you earlier you would have never had to go through being alone..... I'm sorry... I failed as your brother "he whispered the last few words. Honestly I knew he meant it but it still hurt.
I looked up at Cole, meeting his eyes.. That's when I could see the resemblance.
Cole and I shared the same dark eyes, that almost appeared as black.. We had black hair and the same smile as me
He was my older brother. I had always wished for a family and today I think I know where my home was.. It was with Murphy's and Cole... I was happy, maybe I did belong here... It's not like I have anywhere else to go..

The next thing I did was break away from addam and walk towards Cole. As I stood in front of him he lowered his eyes. But then I hugged him..
"thank you so much Cole, I know you meant it when you said you were searching for me... I know that you are my brother who I have always wished for.and listen up" I said the last to words moving a little away from him.
"you have never failed as a brother and never will.. The fact that you willingly apologized to me and accepted me, your half sister itself shows that you -" before I could say anything more Cole hugged me again and started sniffling.. The room was dead silent..

That's when we heard a growl. It came from addam. We pulled away and heard Andre laugh.
" the green eyed demon doesn't suit you addz! "she giggled.
Addam was jealous... I was proud, and why was I proud?

" well I'm heading out clo? You joining me or what? "Andre said in an almost annoyed tone
What's up with her. I nodded and followed her out but flashed a smile at addam and nodded towards my brother
And followed Andre.

Once we were out of the boys earshot I asked Andre.
" what's up? Is something wrong?? "
"nothings going on." she snapped making me more eager
"really.. So there's nothing going on between you and my brother?" I wiggled my ebrows.

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