Getting To Know you

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Clove's POV
I woke up to someone knocking on my door. Oh my! I had slept through the night and forgot to have dinner and was still in the same outfit I had worn while shopping.

I made my way out of bed towards the door and opened it. That's when I was hit by the fragrance of the forest, fresh and wild. I closed my eyes inhaling the sent.
I looked up to be met by a pair of striking blue eyes. It was Addam. He seemed to keep staring into my eyes. I was suddenly aware of how horrifying I must have looked.

He was in a pair of track and a 'v' neck shirt that hugged his abbs. Wow. I would love to be woken up every day by such a pleasing sight. I then cleared my throat since I didn't want him to see me like this for long.

He seemed to snap out of whatever trance he had been in. He quickly smiled and spoke, "mom wants you to join us for breakfast, after all, you had skipped dinner."

At that, my stomach growled. Omg! This is shit embarrassing. I simply nodded and shut the door.

I walked into the bathroom freshened up, ran a comb through my knotty hair put on some chapstick and left my room
The Murphys house was huge. There were several rooms and paintings of beautiful wolves, knights, people who looked like royalty. I was so lost in thought admiring the painting that I didn't realise another presence. It was Lucifer. He had on a black shirt and black jeans.

He had a vibe that yelled hott! Hott out. As if reading my thoughts he smirked and then chuckled.
"Thanks, cuñada, you must be lost. It will take some time to get used to all this. Come, I shall escort you to the dining table."
Wow, he sounded like a sad, lonely prince from a fairy tale, the way he spoke he sounded mature yet broken.
"I'm glad that you think that way ."
What the hell, he could read my mind.

Let's not think around him Clove I said to myself. At this, he smirked. I felt like kneeing him in his balls. What I would have done to wipe that smirk off his face.
"I'd like to see you try cuñada but I don't think my brother would like that"

Shit. Silence mind. Silence Clove. Shh.
We reached the dining room it was huge enough for 20 people to sit. I made my way and sat right in between Andre and Addam with Lucifer sitting right in front of me and Mr and Mrs Murphy sitting at the head of the table. Soon we were eating our breakfast which was really tasty!
That's when a girl with long hair barged in. She was extremely pretty. She was the typical girl who would get the best guy wherever she goes.

She came and dropped a kiss on Lucifers cheek. Wow. I should have known. I won't be surprised if I was told that Addam too had a girlfriend. The thought of Addam and another girl made me angry.
The pretty girl looked at me and said "You must be the new human girl that joined the family aye? I'm would cool if you didn't meddle with my business."

Wow, bitch much? I didn't reply and continued chewing on my food

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Wow, bitch much? I didn't reply and continued chewing on my food. That's when Jessica the bitch decided to open her filthy mouth again
" Addy! Ava's training the pack today, she wanted your help"
"yeah I'll be there" Addam  replied
Addy? And WHO'S AVA AND WHAT IS A PACK! What's going on!!

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