I Can't Take This Anymore

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Andres pov
When I opened my eyes I knew that I surely wasn't in the states anymore. I looked at zayn, questioning him through my eyes. I think he understood my expression so he spoke
"Greece " a smile making its way on his face
Greece. It was far away from home. 'far away from mate.'

My wolf felt broken, lonely but relieved that we were no longer with the person who had been causing us such pain. I followed zayn. The streets were filled with people buzzing in a language I dint get. I did get quite a number of curious looks from people passing by..

First I thought that it was something on my face but later I realized it was my blonde hair. Zayn came to a stop in front of a beautiful house. It wasn't ordinary.. At least to me it wasn't. The architecture was entirely different from the one in the states.

Zayn held my hand and squeezed it. He then lead me into the house. And that's when I saw a cute couple there. Once they spotted us their faces were lit up with welcoming smiles.

"hey there, zayn, how are you and who is this beautiful woman" said the man who earned a light knock on his head by the girl beside him. She then looked at me and gave me a smile while speaking
"oh! Hello, I'm clare and this is my husband, Joe."

She then came forward and enveloped me in a hug. She was beautiful. Her tanned skin made her look warm and welcoming.
"hey, Clare , I'm Andre."
"well it's nice to meet you Ann, can I call you Ann? "

Soon she gave me a tour of the beautiful house.
"so how do you know zayn?" I asked before rethinking.
"we're genies , he's older than us though. He's about a million years old, joes 300 years old"
"what about you?" I asked curiously.
She laughed "in a werewolf dear, I'm twenty six, Joe's my mate."
"well, Ann how many months is it?"
What was she saying. I truly was confused. Was she talking about my wolf?
"a day I guess" still unsure. She nodded and then took me to the library. It was huge no it was enormous. Just like the one from beauty and the beast. I knew I was going to spend a lot of time in here. Like it was peaceful and a dream come true.
"you know you should dye your hair brown because you're already drawing a lot of attention with your pretty face and accent, your hair color isn't helping."
She said looking concerned.
I nodded. I didn't want to draw attention to myself so I obliged to dyeing it brown again.
Clare was great at it but I wonder how. I mean I still dint know how to braid my hair, much less dye. Her hands moved like a pro. And soon I was back to how I looked before. I couldn't help it so I asked her,
"how are you so good at this?" looking at her curiously.
She chuckled and answered "oh, I used to get tattoos and dye my hair frequently like I was the girl who probably wanted to a tongue piercing at the age of 13,well I did get it when I turned 19 though" she said thoughtfully and continued "I used to dye my hair at home in different pastel colors, I was so young" "not that I'm old yet" she finished with a wink.
"So who's your mate" she asked sitting on the couch. I looked at her through the mirror in front of me. "Cole Jackson"
She looked shocked "you mean the Cole Jackson, you mean alpha Cole like the one who's got the looks to die for -"
"yeah" I snapped annoyed "the one and only. The mate of mine who ignored me for 2 years after realizing we were mate, the guy who has no problem or shame to lock lips with a girl who is not his mate, the one who-who--left" I felt the tears rooling down again. I hated feeling vulnerable.
She stood up and came forward to hug me but I stopped her. "I here on deny being mated to alpha Cole Jackson. I deny the mate bond and break all ties with him. I accept his rejection from years ago , and I reject being toyed with, I, once a gamma, of the silver moon pack reject Cole Jackson from my life" as I finished the words I felt empty. Alone. Lost. But I also felt free and light hearted.

Clare looked at me and gave me a smile trying to cover up her surprise. I shook of her hands from my shoulders and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. That's when I noticed my eyes had changed their color. A wolf's eyes changes it color only for 3 reasons, once when you shift, when a wolf is pregnant or when they were rejected. It wasn't for the good anyway. Letting out a sigh I switched the shower on and felt the cool water on my skin
Coles pov
I watched Ann sleep in her wolf form, she looked so happy and peaceful. I dint want to ever leave her alone. I had been unbelievable in the past, I had been blinded by my hatred for witches that I even tried rejecting her. I regret it but I was thankful that she hadn't accepted it. Which is why we could make it this far. I silently thanked the goddess for such an amazing mate. I bent down and kissed her forehead and she slowly smiled still fast asleep. That's when I heard ava's mindlink
"Cole, addam has ordered for Andre s execution, I'm coming to you, let's hunt that wrench down"
I almost growled "where are you?"
Close to the border" she replied.
She was close. I had to protect mate. I kissed her lightly on her lips and left. I will come back.
I made my way through the woods and found ava right in front. She sniifed around and caught my scent a smile made its way to her face. I felt awkward. She came closer to me and that's when I pushed her away. I decided to change the subject by talking about addam.
"so why does he want to execute her all of a sudden?"
"Clove's pregnant, and their weddings tomorrow so, I guess hes on dad mode, he wants his pup safe"
"ooh. I'm happy for clo,"
"but you don't sound it, anyways I my dad's calling me back, I'll catch you later. I promise we'll hunt her down together " she winked and left.
After making sure she was gone, I rushed towards Ann, but I never found her. The spot where she once lay was now empty. She was gone. Again. Leaving me alone.

Coles pov
It's been a day and 4 hours since she left not leaving a trace behind. I missed her smile, eyes. I missed her. My wolf felt lost . Last night I felt a pain in my chest. I know that it wasn't physical but it was like I lost apart of me. I didn't know if it was ava, how was she? Was she safe, happy?. I felt... Nothing. Except the pain and numbness oh and of course worry. I miss her, I really do.

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