Shoppings my therapist

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(the above picture is of Clove)
I really liked Andre and I was relieved when she called Addam 'brother'.She looked like a celebrity! And was absolutely adorable.

She pulled me into a room on the second floor.
"This is your room. I hope you like it... I spent a lot of time on it"
"woooooowww. It's beautiful! Thank you soo much" I exclaimed and enveloped her in a hug
"I'm glad you liked it," she said giving me a cheeky grin.

Now let's go shopping

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Now let's go shopping. I didn't know your size or your style so I had to wait" she said.
"But I have clothes already. And I don't have a penny left" I said earnestly
"Don't you worry about that. Now let's go! " she exclaimed grabbing me by my arm and yanking me towards Zara and H&M.
___2 Hours laterrrrrrrr.__________________
Clove's POV
I have to admit that I did have a good time with Andre but I'm really tired now. We had almost visited a hundred shops! And my hands, as well as my arms, were hurting because of the various shopping bags it held.
"Oh my! It's 9 pm. Let's go home Clove. I'll call Lucifer he'll pick us up!" said Andre.

I nodded and followed her.. Soon we were out of the mall and were waiting at the sidewalk. That's when a blue Lamborghini came to a halt right in front of me. Andre jumped and called me as she moved towards the back seat and settled down... Since there was no space at the back I made my way to the passenger seat. That's when I saw him. (pic below the car)

 (pic below the car)

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Oh my dear lord! Why is everyone here so good looking

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Oh my dear lord! Why is everyone here so good looking.
He looked my way and gave me a smirk. Once I settled down we were racing down the street. Honestly, this morning I would never have pictured that I would be surrounded by hot guys who were rich and a girl who was already my best friend with looks to die for. We were soon back home and the mysterious dude who had been called lucifer helped me and Andre with our bags into the house.

He dropped it off at the second floor and took the stairs leading to the next. I asked Andre " does he live here too?"
"yeah... But Lucifer hardly ever comes home anymore .."
"He..lost his wife.they were in love"
"How old is Lucifer?" I was startled he looked about twenty.
"Were forever young darling. And about hundred years old '" she winked
I nodded with a smile and we said our goodnights and went into our separate rooms.
I looked at the shopping bags and pulled out my outfits. They were all super stylish. Oh, how I love this crazy side of Ann! She made me feel so welcomed.     she sure was my best friend !.
As I fell on my bed with minutes I was fast asleep.

I was standing in the middle of the woods following a scent it smelt I walked towards the alluring scent. And there stood the boy of my dreams. Addam. He looked like an angel but was crying. i walked closer to him and then I saw a woman approach him from the shadows. I tried catching her face sO that I could Identity her.

She sat next to him and said," Addam forgive yourself.."
"No, im a monster, don't you get it I killed her..I killed Ann. Im a murderer. I killed the baby in her too.." He said tears rolling down his tear staying cheeks.
"It was to protect our boys Addam" whispered the woman who seemeD unsure herself.SHE BEgaN to saY something but I couldn't hear her anymore since I woke up without any memory of my dream.

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