Little Maya

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Lucifer pov
I felt my necklace glowing. It had been a year since I saw Andre and addams kids were about a few months old. Clove decided that killing Andre was the only way to keep her boys safe. Don't judge me I love both of them, Im their uncle but I'm also Andres brother.

I can't simply sit and watch while my brother sends his armies to look for her and assassinate her. He has a family now. I don't blame him, Andre is supposed to be a threat to his pup its his instinct to protect them.

I did try looking for Andre. I looked every where. I even traveled around the world with Jess by my side. She too was concerned about Andre. But she was of the radar. Not a single trace. Until now

My necklace was a replica of the one I had given Andre. It was supposed to connect us together when we were in danger. Right now it was glowing a deep red. That meant that Ann was in danger. The Jewel would teleport me to her any moment now. I could feel my surroundings fogging up. I felt my feet rise from the ground and then I hit the mossy ground.

Ugh. That hurt like hell. I pushed myself and looked around. I was in the middle of a forest. It looked enchanted. Beautiful. I then heard a cry. My head whipped in its direction and took off towards the source. That's when I saw. Jules the packs gamma cornering Ann and a man. I walked towards them.

"back off Jules. I'll handle this." I said confidence oozing out of my tone. I was using my vampire powers. Hypnosis just happens to be one of the things I'm capable of. Jules then turned around and walked off as if he hadn't seen a thing. Stupid pup.

I huffed and turned towards Ann. The man in front of her did not budge an inch. He was still in his defense position. I watched them with amusement. My sister looked older. More mature. Her hair had turned brown from blonde. She was holding a bundle in her arms. I was confused but it was clear when I heard the cry. Ann looked down and hushed the baby by rocking the bundle in her arms. She then walked around the protective man.

Bringing the bundle into my visibility I saw an angel. The baby was wrapped in a pink blanket. She looked at me and smiled. My heart began to melt. She reminded me of Ann. But this little angel had a golden tufet of curly hair and brown eyes.

"Maya, baby, meet your uncle.. Lucifer." she said handing the little princess to me. I held her gently afraid that she might break if I held her too long. Ann smiled.

"when did she come along?"
"I'll start from the beginning" she said and walked over to a cottage with me and the mysterious man following her.
We sat around the wooden table and began.

"when I left I met zayn" she said gesturing towards the man "I was looking for the hotel Luna. He came along. He was surprised by the fact that I could see him. He's a genie and has been watching over me since we were kids. He brought me there. Then I noticed that my eye color changed. I thought it was because I rejected cole"she whispered.

Oh I remember how Cole had been. He had been going crazy looking for her and then he felt that HD lost Ann. He was down for days and even though he has recovered he has changed.

He hardly smiles iv heard that he never sleeps. He has come to be known as one of the most feared and ruthless alphas. Last time he came by was when Clove gave birth to the twins. He did not show up for their first birthday which was a few months ago.

She continued "I heard that addam was looking for me because of some prophecy. I heard that he wanted me dead. At first I thought it was only a rumor, so we moved to Greece but now I know for sure. They're out for my life. This is the second attack." she finished scoffing.

" so whos daughter is this? "I asked.
" mine"she snapped.
"you know what I mean Ann.." I looked at her seriously
"and Coles" she answered.
I nodded. Cole would have been soo happy to hear that he was a father. He would be so happy to know that his mate was still alive. Ann's departure truly did tear him apart.

"so brother, how are you" she was changing the subject.
"iv been fine. Growing younger perhaps" I said trying to make her smile and smile she did. The baby in my arms lifted her tiny hand and placed it on my arm. It was so soft, delicate. She giggled. If Sammy had been here maybe I would have had a child just like Maya.

"why did you name her Maya?"
"I met the love of my life, Cole, for the first time by the river Bank separating both the packs territories. It was close to the water. Maya means water."


We were sitting down and playing with baby Maya when I heard a crash. Ann shot up and so did zayn. He seemed to be a good guy. The window shattered and I heard Ann gasp. She kept clutching her stomach.

Then the scent of blood hit me. Honestly it would have bothered me but I had built a tolerance for it. Ann's white dress was staining red. She moved towards me pulling my arm with baby still in my arms. She then pushed the red carpet away  revealing a door she opened it and looked at me.

"lucifer - promise me you'll look after her. Promise me you keep her safe and treat her as your own. Your my only hope. Please. She is all I have left." she said panting and her tears roiling down her cheeks.

I nodded "I promise" saying that Ann gently pushed me down the stairs she then looked at zayn.

"thank you for everything. I have one last request my dear genei." Zayn was surrounded by blue mist.
"keep her safe. Give her the best life."
Zayn nodded and looked broken. He then walked down the short flight of stairs. Ann kissed Maya and whispered

"rise  and sore high my love. I love you"

She then removed her emethyst and placed it in mayas hand. She smiled at me and zayn one last time and then shut the doors and probably covering the door with the carpet . I could hear gunshots and a cry then silence. But I could hear someone dragging something away.

I looked down and saw tears in mayas eyes. It looked like she knew she might have just lost her mother. I kissed her forehead waiting for the moment, when we could excape. My eyes welled up too. I had a feeling that I just lost my little sister

I will keep her safe. She is now my daughter. I will love her and protect.

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