2.52. Bizzare

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Bas became busy these past few days as the new Chairman of his family's company. While he's in the office, I took care of the little kid, Josh. My wifey wanted me to watch over his precious little Josh but it was very difficult for me because the kid is under the Dela Vega's supervision. Bas won't dare to let the kid involve on his problems and the Dela Vega family, they tighten their security especially on Josh.

What was difficult for me is Sir Carlos. He still had a bad blood on me for a reason that I took his precious nephew away from him. It's beyond my control anymore because Bas has decided to have a relationship with me again. Despite of Sir Carlos' bad blood, he always ask me about his nephew.

"Dad, can I see Mommy today?" Josh asked while we were having lunch together with the Dela Vega.

"Not today, kid." I answered and he got sad. "But Mommy said, he will visit you on weekends."

"Really? Mommy said that?" He asked just to clarify.

"Yes, kiddo... so be a good boy while Mommy is very busy."

"Why does Mommy needs to work a lot? He's already rich."

The Dela Vega chuckled on what Josh said. I know that kid wanted some attention and was longing for his mommy.

"Hey kid, you better understand this why your Mommy works a lot." I said and had a drink before I continue. "Under him are a lot of people on his shoulder. Those people looked forward for their lives and it's Mommy's obligation. He needs to work for the sake of the people under him because those people also have families and most of them have kids like you. So they need to bring food on the table and send their children to school just like us too."

I don't know why I should explain things not suitable for children but I was hoping Josh will understand what I am saying.

I was too focused at Josh that I didn't notice the Dela Vega were staring at me. I was clueless why they are staring that made me so uncomfortable. Sir Carlos nod his head while Miss Sandra smiled.

"Geez, you're giving me goosebumps." Cassandra reacted.

I realized that I already spoke what I was thinking. Naturally, I kept it within myself and few people might know what I am thinking. However, I changed for the better, for my wifey Bas that he will not leave me again. I've learned enough from what I did and if I have to repay it then I'll accept any punishment hut not for now.

"Dad, I'm sorry for being so selfish. I didn't think that way. Now I understand why Mommy needs to work a lot." Josh said and I gave him a pat on his head.

"It's okay. You're still a kid and there are a lot of things for you to experience." I said.

"Like what Joss? Falling in love?" Cassandra asked and she smirked at me. She's teasing me and I gave her a glare but I was ignored.

"Will I fall in love too, Dad?" Josh asked.

"Yes, kid but not at the young age." I answered.

"Owss? You already fall in love with Bas since you were children." Cassandra reacted again.

I gave her a furocious glare because she's mocking at me. She chuckled and continue eating.

"Enough, Cassandra. We shouldn't be talking this stuff when Josh is around. He's still a kid." Sir Carlos scolded her daughter.

Miss Sandra chuckled while eating. I was pissed off at Cassandra for giving such side comments. We continued our lunch until were done. We went to their garden area and had some tea together.

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